The adventures of a kind-hearted doctor, who is fond of animals and understands their language. Seeing that many of his animal friends want to live with him, Doctor Dolittle...
In this book E. Nesbit tells the story of six children named Dora, Oswald, Noël, Alice and H.O. Bastable and two children going to stay with them, Denny and Daisy. Children...
"Captains Courageous" is an 1897 novel, by Rudyard Kipling, that follows the adventures of fifteen-year-old Harvey Cheyne Jr., the spoiled son of a railroad tycoon,...
Famous Classic Juvenile Fiction Story based on Hiking, Camps, Boy Scouts of America etc.
Mother Goose in Prose is a collection of classic children's stories based on Mother Goose nursery rhymes. It was the first children's book written by L. Frank Baum.Produced by...
A mouse and a 10 year old boy backstage at the Stratford Shakespearean Festival Theatre! What could go wrong? Follow the amusing escapades of a young boy, Adrian, and a brave...
Another great audiobook classic from the world’s most prolific and prestigious new company, Icon Audio Arts. Presented by actor author Geoffrey Giuliano, here is an exciting...
After Full Blast, Jesse Rigsby and his friend Eric has sworn off video games. But when Jesse is offered the chance to save his friend Mark, of course he says, "Yes."...
Alistair Gregory, the man who figured out how to put people into video games, is not what he seems. Jesse Rigsby is sure of that. Jesse’s sure of something else,...
Jesse Rigsby hates video games—and for good reason. You see, a video game character is trying to kill him. After getting sucked in the new game Full Blast with his friend...