Think Fit

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 156:22:20
  • More information



Think Fit is a podcast hosted by Tim and Robo who have lost a combined weight of nearly 100kgs! We want to cut through the confusion and make people realise there isn't a secret to weight loss. That doesn't mean it has to be hard either. We will share stories based on our experiences. What worked, what doesn't and hopefully have some fun doing so. So if you are sick of all the confusion about losing weight and getting fit then tune in!


  • Think Fit Episode 65: Giving Your Weight Loss or Health a Jump Start

    08/07/2018 Duration: 01h20min

    The two fit boys from Think Fit have been feeling a bit more like two fat boys and are both desperate to do something about it.  Lucky for you, we plan to tell you exactly how we are going to go about it. This week on Think Fit we are talking about what you can do to give your health or weight loss a jump start. These red hot tips are applicable if you have slipped up lately and need to get back on track or if you are just starting out and need that final push to get started. Things like setting realistic expectations so you don't go out like a bull at a gate, making good habits a priority early on so they become permanent, making time for your health, having a positive attitude and starting easy. We then get into the juicy topic of changes to diet. If you have listened lately you will know that Robo has decided to follow a low carb, high-fat diet to get in shape. Hear all about what that looks like for him. Tim, on the other hand, talks about the practical changes to his diet that he is going to make and doe

  • Think Fit Episode 64: Managing The Work/Life/Health Balance

    01/07/2018 Duration: 01h17min

    Ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day? Or even worse, are you guilty of taking your work home with you and not switching off? This week we have an honest and open discussion about our struggles with managing the work/life balance and the impact it is having on our health. Hosting this podcast means that we often feel like we need to be shining examples of how to be healthy and have it all figured out. But like everyone else, we slip up sometimes. So in this episode, we talk about how these struggles are affecting not only our physical health but our mental health as well. We provide some tips to ensure that you are able to switch off at the end of the day and focus on the other areas of your life that deserve your attention. Our tips this week are very practical and include things like using lists to prioritise your work, having set hours for work and focusing on single goals at a time. There is even an amazing analogy about rocks and sand that will have you by the seat of your pants!  For recom

  • *BONUS* Think Tri Episode 1: From Fat to Fast

    29/06/2018 Duration: 01h19min

    Welcome to our new bonus monthly show, Think Tri. If you have listened to Think Fit you will know that we both love triathlon and now thanks to our amazing patreon supporters, we are ready to share that love with you. This bonus monthly episode will be all about our tips and tricks to go from the back of the pack to the front. We base this entirely on our own experiences.  On this first ever episode we give a detailed run through of our progress in the sport. We start with our early beginnings in the sport where even finishing was a challenge and finish with winning age group races, sub 10 hour Iron Man results and the pursuit of a 4:05 70.3. Along the way, we talk about how our training changed so that you can start to adopt some of the same changes in your own training. We also talk about the advice we wish we could have given ourselves when we first started out in the sport all those years ago to help other beginner triathletes out there now! We hope this is the first of many of these bonus episodes! If yo

  • Think Fit Episode 63: The Holy Trinity of Health with Psychologist, Leanne Hall

    24/06/2018 Duration: 01h19min

    Exercising and eating well but finding that your health isn't quite as good as it should be? There is another aspect of health that we often neglect, our own mental health. This week we are joined by a guest who takes a holistic approach to health. Leanne Hall is an Integrative Psychologist who believes in the connection between body and mind for the healthiest version of you. In her practice, Leanne uses diet and exercise as well as traditional remedies to deal with the negative emotions or difficult feelings that we all experience. Leanne explains her approach to health and then goes into her approaches to health through food, health through exercise and health through the mind.  We discuss why people are so good at avoiding difficult emotions or feelings and the health consequences of this. We also have an interesting conversation about the psychological side effects of dealing with injury and the idea of meditation through movement.  This is an interview which can provide not only tips for how to improve

  • Think Fit Episode 62: Is It Harder To Lose Weight Or Keep It Off?

    17/06/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    Losing Weight is an incredible achievement. It requires sacrifice, determination and lots of hard work. If you have listened to this show before you will know that we firmly believe that there are no short-cuts or easy ways to lose weight. But what you might not know is that most people who lose a significant amount of weight put it back on. Why is it so common for people to put their weight back on? What is it about keeping the weight off that is so hard? This leads us to our topic for this week, which one is more difficult? Losing weight in the first place or keeping it off? Tim having lost weight and never put it back on argues that it is harder to lose the weight in the first place because of all the drastic changes that you need to make in the first place to lose weight and because there are so many people who struggle to lose weight at all. Robo, however, thinks that keeping the weight off is harder as you lose motivation and focus once you reach your goals or your results start to taper off and life ge

  • Think Fit Episode 61: There is No Magic Pill - The Ketogenic Diet

    10/06/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    There has been a lot of discussion about the documentary, The Magic Pill. It is a film which presents the benefits of the ketogenic diet. This week on Think Fit we have a discussion about this controversial film. The Magic Pill has stirred up a lot of controversies lately with the Australian Medical Association requesting that Netflix remove the documentary from its service. Can eating a ketogenic diet cure autism? Can it cure cancer? Can it help you lose weight? These are all topics which are raised and in some instances suggested during the film and is mostly why the film is considered controversial. One of our guiding principles here at Think Fit is to try and pass on information that is as simple and as unintimidating as possible. That is certainly what we have attempted to do this week. We talk about the main messages of the film, some of the weirder points, what we liked about it and what we didn't. Should people watch this film? Tune in to find out whether we think you should. If you have already seen

  • Think Fit Episode 60: How to Stay in Shape if You Cannot Exercise

    03/06/2018 Duration: 01h17min

    After many weeks on the road, Mike Robinson returns to the podcast studio to deliver more red-hot content to get you thinking fit. After so many weeks apart we have plenty to catch up on with Mike being on the road, Tim being injured, we have both been struggling to keep on top of our fitness. This made us wonder, what would we do to stay in shape if we could not train? We start by talking about why it would be hard. Tim thinks it would be harder than Mike does. But the biggest hurdles would be changing diet, losing routine and motivation. We then turn to the things we would do to make sure we stayed healthy. The first thing we realised was that health is more than just weight. So for that reason, we would make an extra effort to spend time with health professionals as there are many other health issues other than weight. We talk about making the best use of the extra time we would have. We would make sure we used the time to eat properly and prepare our food and other changes we would make to our diet. We wo

  • Think Fit Episode 59: Fighting For Your Fitness with Exercise Physiologist Tyrell Navarro

    27/05/2018 Duration: 01h03min

    Karate, Taekwondo, MMA, Jiu Jitsui! This week we are talking about fighting! The more we do this show the more we realise that everyone has a different relationship with fitness. At the same time, there are more similarities than you would expect too. We are extremely lucky to be joined by Exercise Physiologist Tyrell Navarro this week. Tyrell is a martial artist and fighter who has experience with a range of different combat styles. We talk about the training required for fighting, how you prepare for a sport where the other person is literally trying to hurt you. Things get really interesting when we discuss the mental aspects of fighting, what your mind does when it is in an uncomfortable position and how to train it to manage those situations.  Tyrell shares with us his thoughts on how people can better prepare themselves to get in shape and the biggest mistakes that he sees people make when they are trying to get healthy. He talks about what are the unexpected benefits of martial arts and how it has impa

  • Think Fit Episode 58: When Weight Loss is Your Super Power with Andrew Levins

    20/05/2018 Duration: 01h29min

    Robo is MIA for a couple of weeks which means that Tim has been on the hunt to find some great co-hosts to fill that shiny-headed void! This week we are lucky to be joined by DJ, Food Writer, Cook, Author and Podcaster, Andrew Levins.  Levins shares with us his experiences with losing weight. In the last year, Levins has seen his weight drop by nearly 20kg without a marathon or a triathlon in sight! We discuss how he put on his weight, what made him decide to make the change and how we lost his weight. F45 has played a major role in his weight loss so we have a discussion about what it is and why it worked for him. From the list of things that Levins does, he is a busy man who has managed to make his fitness a priority. He also has a number of jobs which are almost designed to make you fat. So we talk about how his weight loss has affected his work as a food writer, if it has had any impact on the ways that he interacts with his friends and how they interact with him and why it is important for him as a Dad t

  • Think Fit Episode 57: A Guide to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

    13/05/2018 Duration: 01h18min

    Let's be honest, we all do it. We all compare who we are, what we do, what we have or how we look to other people. It is a slippery slope that achieves nothing. This week we talk all about our experiences with comparing ourselves to others. Things like worrying that people are fitter, faster, skinnier, stronger, all the usual stuff. But once you start where do you stop? We talk about all the reasons why it is a waste of time and completely unfair to compare yourself to others. We then talk about how you stop yourself from doing it as well. We talk about things like verbalising who or what you are wasting your time comparing to, using comparison as a source of motivation rather than making yourself feel bad, using mindfulness to be more present and focus on what you have control over. We present an article about the side effects of taking some of the most common weight loss medications. You know, the usual things like losing control of your bowels, problems with reproduction and suicidal thoughts.  Robo recomm

  • Think Fit Episode 56: The Importance of Mobility & Proper Biomechanics When Losing Weight with Luke Taylor

    06/05/2018 Duration: 01h19min

    Two Kiwis and an Australian sit down to record a podcast. No, it isn't the start of a bad joke but it is this week's episode of Think Fit. This week, we are extremely excited to be joined by Luke Taylor from Taylored Health & Performance. Through his own struggles with injuries and a diagnosed disorder, Luke developed his own approach to helping people achieve their best results. Luke works with a range of clients from top professional athletes to people who are trying to get into shape. From his experience, Luke's methodology has a large focus on the importance of good biomechanics and mobility.  We discuss the importance of a strong foundation for people who are trying to get into shape and why it is just as important, if not more so, for people who regularly partake in endurance sports. Luke believes in prevention rather than repair and wants to educate the masses about why a strong foundation is important. In addition to his own expertise (he uses lots of big words!) Luke has his own amazing story and

  • Think Fit Episode 55: How To Overcome Weight Loss Barriers

    29/04/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    It is easy to think that the reason why you are not losing weight is that you are not trying hard enough or that you don't have enough self-discipline or mental strength. But what about the other factors. If you were to ask yourself why aren't you losing weight and have to give an answer OTHER than yourself, what would you come up with? This week we try and put another tip into your Think Fit Tool Box. We give you a simple to follow and easy to understand step-by-step guide to overcome your weight loss barriers. "But I don't need to lose weight" we hear you say. Well here is the great thing. These tips can be applied to any sort of barrier you might be facing. Whether it is getting higher marks at uni, a promotion at work or a sub 5-hour half-ironman. If you follow the same 4 steps we discuss this episode you will be overcoming your barriers in no-time. In addition to the greatest step-by-step guide, you are likely to ever hear on this show, we also present a truly terrifying article about the scariest diets

  • Think Fit Episode 54: The Sad Truth About Being Overweight

    22/04/2018 Duration: 01h11min

    It's funny how quickly you can forget the things that hurt you the most. Feeling inspired after our episode with Jess Hay we wanted to talk about some of the hardest experiences we had when we were overweight. Simple things, silly things and some very sad things that we did or had happen to us when we were fat. Things like being worried about what people would think when we would order food or take public transport. Why neither of us feel comfortable shopping for clothes, some hard lessons learned on the sports field and some irrational fears that caused us many sleepless nights.  In the spirit of honesty that we try to promote on the show, that is what we go for this week. Brutal, hard honesty about some of our toughest experiences. We also discuss a recent piece of news that claims breakfast is not the most important meal of the day and we should skip it. Tim brings out a story from the 'depths of the DM' in the name of content! Our recommendations this week are the new FitBit multisport watch, the fitbit b

  • Think Fit Episode 53: What Happens Between the Before & After Photo, Massive Weight Loss with Jess Hay

    15/04/2018 Duration: 01h13min

    One of the best ways to keep your weight loss goals on track is to hold yourself accountable. But how many people who weigh close to 200kg would be willing to document their weight loss journey in front of the entire world? This week we are joined by the amazing and inspiring Jess Hay! Jess saw the number on the scales getting higher and higher until it was nearly at 200kg or 440 pounds. Jess realised she had to make a change so she started doing her local weekly parkrun.  Jess shares with us how she put on her weight and why she has no one else to blame but herself. Jess talks about the incredible positivity she has experienced while being so open with her successes and her failures. She also talks about her fears and why she cannot give up. She is a shining example of the magic that can happen when you have a go!  What we love about Jess is that her story is far from over. In fact, it is only just beginning. Prepare for laughs, almost tears and absolutely brutal honesty in one of the most inspiring intervie

  • Think Fit Episode 52: Think Fit Turns One! Listener Q&A Episode

    08/04/2018 Duration: 01h27min

    Who would have thought it! When we decided to start a little podcast about how to get healthy, lose weight and make it fun and uncomplicated we had no idea what to expect. Here we are celebrating the 1st anniversary of Think Fit! This week we opened it up to our listeners to answer your questions. We answer questions about how we started the podcast, what are our favourite episodes, what have we gotten out of it.... We also answer some more technical questions about the role that strength and conditioning plays in our lives, how to manage mental fatigue during endurance sports events and most importantly, are two burgers really better than one! We discuss an article about fitness myths that are doing actual harm and Robo reads an article about mental strength tips. We both want to thank you all for tuning in for the last 12 months! We have had a lot of fun with this show and we definitely feel like it is represented by the amount of fun we had recording this episode! For recommendations this week, Robo recomm

  • Think Fit Episode 51: Let's Talk About F#@D!

    01/04/2018 Duration: 01h15min

    This week we delve into one of the internet's most controversial and to be honest, boring topics. Food. The 4 letter F word that we are too afraid to speak about. As with all great conversations we went into this one with a clear goal about what we were going to cover and somehow ended completely off track. We talk about some of the worst eating habits we have had as well as some pieces of food marketing that we both fell for that turned out to be complete rubbish. We talk about how you need to find an approach to food that works for you and that ultimately, stick to it. There are stories, tangents, and a few rants but what more would you expect from Think Fit!?! We discuss 2 articles in great depth this week including 7 nutritional lies we tell ourselves and 10 weeks to lose your spare tyre through good habits (no surprises that one of them is sleep!) Our next episode is our first birthday - can you please send in any questions you have for us as we would love to do a listener Q&A for the 52nd episode! T

  • Think Fit Episode 50: What Does Ultra-Endurance Do To Your Body With Physiotherapist Robert Woolley

    25/03/2018 Duration: 01h18min

    The first guest we ever had on Think Fit was the random ultra-endurance athlete Rob Woolley. Rob was the guy who signed Tim up for his first ever triathlon and is responsible for kickstarting Tim's big change. This week we are lucky to be joined by Rob again to have an in-depth discussion about what sort of impact ultra-endurance events have on the human body. Rob has just returned from a 160km run in New Zealand and has now competed in some of the world's biggest ultra races. Rob is also a professional physiotherapist and shares with us his personal and professional opinion about what ultra-endurance events do to a person. We discuss the sort of injuries people can experience, when it is time to go long and why, how to step up in distance, the mental challenge of ultra-events and the sort of impact that ultra-endurance sport can have on your weight. As always, it is fantastic to have people on the show who actually know what they are talking about. Rob has raced in long and short events across the globe and

  • Think Fit Episode 49: Performance V Weight Loss Training

    18/03/2018 Duration: 01h15min

    Many people take up a sport because they want to lose weight. The problem is that they also often want to get results, PBs or go fast. The bad news is that the training to lose weight and training for performance are very different. We aren't saying you won't lose weight if you are training for performance just like you won't get better if you are training to lose weight. The problem is if you do not take the time to do them both properly there is a good chance you will lose motivation and give up at both. This week we talk all about the differences between training for weight loss and training for performance. Things like different approaches to exercise and nutrition that may surprise you and may ultimately derail your goals if you neglect them. This episode was a lot of fun! We discuss two articles, the first that tells you where your weight goes when you lose it (it isn't to your enemies) and the second is whether your personality is making you fat. For recommendations this week, Robo recommends working w

  • Think Fit Episode 48: Losing Your Weigh to the Top with Jenna-Caer Seefried

    11/03/2018 Duration: 01h22min

    This week we are extremely lucky to be joined by a truly remarkable woman who puts us both to shame! Jenna-Caer Seefried found her corporate life one of convenience where she spent too much time eating out and thinking about what she was going to eat next. Jenna experienced a moment where she realised that she had to make a change and has lost over 50 pounds to date! If that isn't enough to make you impressed, Jenna has also managed to win her age group at the World Long Course Championships in 2017! We discuss how Jenna put on her weight, how she lost it. The role her husband played in supporting her weight loss and sporting ambitions. Jenna also discusses how becoming a mother has made her re-evaluate her goals and focus on living a healthy life to set a good example for her son. We discuss the challenges that Jenna faced along the way and whether hard work trumps talent. Jenna is an incredible woman and whether you are an athlete, in shape already or trying to get your health in line, you will find somethi

  • Think Fit Episode 47: Take The Pressure Down! Overcoming Unhealthy Peer Pressure

    04/03/2018 Duration: 01h12min

    Have you ever had the best intentions to eat well, go to the gym or go to bed early only to be peer pressured into doing something else instead? Chances are the answer is yes. Peer pressure is one of those inevitable things we deal with as humans. This week we discuss a new documentary on Netflix called 'The Push' which looks at just how far people can be peer pressured. This made us realise that we have both dealt with peer pressure after getting healthy. Have another drink, come out for dinner, skip the gym. These are all the sorts of requests people have that turn into expectations. This week we discuss how we deal with peer pressure and how we avoid giving in to what are realistically, the desired of others. Things like sticking to your guns, being forceful, explaining why you are doing what you are doing are just some of the tips we discuss. We also have an exciting occurrence this week as we found out that Think Fit's favourite dietitian, Chloe McLeod is now writing articles for the enemy: Men's Health.

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