Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 55: How To Overcome Weight Loss Barriers



It is easy to think that the reason why you are not losing weight is that you are not trying hard enough or that you don't have enough self-discipline or mental strength. But what about the other factors. If you were to ask yourself why aren't you losing weight and have to give an answer OTHER than yourself, what would you come up with? This week we try and put another tip into your Think Fit Tool Box. We give you a simple to follow and easy to understand step-by-step guide to overcome your weight loss barriers. "But I don't need to lose weight" we hear you say. Well here is the great thing. These tips can be applied to any sort of barrier you might be facing. Whether it is getting higher marks at uni, a promotion at work or a sub 5-hour half-ironman. If you follow the same 4 steps we discuss this episode you will be overcoming your barriers in no-time. In addition to the greatest step-by-step guide, you are likely to ever hear on this show, we also present a truly terrifying article about the scariest diets