Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 57: A Guide to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others



Let's be honest, we all do it. We all compare who we are, what we do, what we have or how we look to other people. It is a slippery slope that achieves nothing. This week we talk all about our experiences with comparing ourselves to others. Things like worrying that people are fitter, faster, skinnier, stronger, all the usual stuff. But once you start where do you stop? We talk about all the reasons why it is a waste of time and completely unfair to compare yourself to others. We then talk about how you stop yourself from doing it as well. We talk about things like verbalising who or what you are wasting your time comparing to, using comparison as a source of motivation rather than making yourself feel bad, using mindfulness to be more present and focus on what you have control over. We present an article about the side effects of taking some of the most common weight loss medications. You know, the usual things like losing control of your bowels, problems with reproduction and suicidal thoughts.  Robo recomm