Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 50: What Does Ultra-Endurance Do To Your Body With Physiotherapist Robert Woolley



The first guest we ever had on Think Fit was the random ultra-endurance athlete Rob Woolley. Rob was the guy who signed Tim up for his first ever triathlon and is responsible for kickstarting Tim's big change. This week we are lucky to be joined by Rob again to have an in-depth discussion about what sort of impact ultra-endurance events have on the human body. Rob has just returned from a 160km run in New Zealand and has now competed in some of the world's biggest ultra races. Rob is also a professional physiotherapist and shares with us his personal and professional opinion about what ultra-endurance events do to a person. We discuss the sort of injuries people can experience, when it is time to go long and why, how to step up in distance, the mental challenge of ultra-events and the sort of impact that ultra-endurance sport can have on your weight. As always, it is fantastic to have people on the show who actually know what they are talking about. Rob has raced in long and short events across the globe and