Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 48: Losing Your Weigh to the Top with Jenna-Caer Seefried



This week we are extremely lucky to be joined by a truly remarkable woman who puts us both to shame! Jenna-Caer Seefried found her corporate life one of convenience where she spent too much time eating out and thinking about what she was going to eat next. Jenna experienced a moment where she realised that she had to make a change and has lost over 50 pounds to date! If that isn't enough to make you impressed, Jenna has also managed to win her age group at the World Long Course Championships in 2017! We discuss how Jenna put on her weight, how she lost it. The role her husband played in supporting her weight loss and sporting ambitions. Jenna also discusses how becoming a mother has made her re-evaluate her goals and focus on living a healthy life to set a good example for her son. We discuss the challenges that Jenna faced along the way and whether hard work trumps talent. Jenna is an incredible woman and whether you are an athlete, in shape already or trying to get your health in line, you will find somethi