Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 54: The Sad Truth About Being Overweight



It's funny how quickly you can forget the things that hurt you the most. Feeling inspired after our episode with Jess Hay we wanted to talk about some of the hardest experiences we had when we were overweight. Simple things, silly things and some very sad things that we did or had happen to us when we were fat. Things like being worried about what people would think when we would order food or take public transport. Why neither of us feel comfortable shopping for clothes, some hard lessons learned on the sports field and some irrational fears that caused us many sleepless nights.  In the spirit of honesty that we try to promote on the show, that is what we go for this week. Brutal, hard honesty about some of our toughest experiences. We also discuss a recent piece of news that claims breakfast is not the most important meal of the day and we should skip it. Tim brings out a story from the 'depths of the DM' in the name of content! Our recommendations this week are the new FitBit multisport watch, the fitbit b