Think Fit

Think Fit Episode 47: Take The Pressure Down! Overcoming Unhealthy Peer Pressure



Have you ever had the best intentions to eat well, go to the gym or go to bed early only to be peer pressured into doing something else instead? Chances are the answer is yes. Peer pressure is one of those inevitable things we deal with as humans. This week we discuss a new documentary on Netflix called 'The Push' which looks at just how far people can be peer pressured. This made us realise that we have both dealt with peer pressure after getting healthy. Have another drink, come out for dinner, skip the gym. These are all the sorts of requests people have that turn into expectations. This week we discuss how we deal with peer pressure and how we avoid giving in to what are realistically, the desired of others. Things like sticking to your guns, being forceful, explaining why you are doing what you are doing are just some of the tips we discuss. We also have an exciting occurrence this week as we found out that Think Fit's favourite dietitian, Chloe McLeod is now writing articles for the enemy: Men's Health.