Tom Sawyer, Detective by Mark Twain. When a murder is committed in town and his uncle is accused of the crime, Tom plays the role of the detective to solve the case before it is...
Thrilling sequel to 'The Treasure Hunt', but a great story in its own right. Ravi, Debbie, Lance and Joel set out to discover who burgled Ravi's shed. The plot thickens as a...
They could be anyone, anywhere . . . even the person walking by you right now.The Veritas Project is their code name—but only a handful of people know teens Elijah and...
The Veritas Project team has a new assignment: To find the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of two runaways. When one runaway turns up totally out of his mind and a...
Gerald Wilkins never considered himself a particularly exceptional thirteen-year-old. But that was before he inherited twenty billion pounds, a Caribbean island, a yacht, and...
Sophie Young and Grace Yang: best friends, seventh graders, spies.Equipped with walkie-talkies, binoculars, and candy, the girls sneak out for one of their midnight spy missions...
Discover a new middle grade series full of madcap adventure, mythological creatures, humor, and heart. The world's unlikeliest hero is also its only hope in this spirited...
The heart-stopping third book in the New York Times bestselling Asylum series follows three teens as they take a senior year road trip to one of America's most haunted cities,...
Return to the world of Melissa Marr's bestselling series and discover how the events of Wicked Lovely set a different faery tale in motion. . . .The Mojave Desert was a million...
Captive's Sound is still standing . . . but a new evil is rising.Nadia saved the town of Captive's Sound from a fiery apocalypse and vanquished the Sorceress Elizabeth . . . or so...