Empowered Practice



In these conversations, Jadi, holistic health coach, and yoga and meditation teacher, will share the questions, resources, and actionable strategies that have served her own as well as client's ever-unfolding health journeys into becoming who we truly are.


  • Season 5 Episode 8: Capricorn (Sagittarius) Full Moon

    23/06/2021 Duration: 32min

    Full Moon Blessings EPs, Take a moment to gather yourself, set your space, and get ready to drop in for the next 30 minutes with us. You may want to light a candle or diffuse some oils, grab water or tea, and do whatever you need to feel supported and nourished.  In this episode Holistic Mental Wellness Coach Toni and Health Coach and Yoga Instructor Jadi dive into the energy of this full moon from a Western and Vedic perspective.  They discuss what has been present energetically for themselves and the primary lessons Life is presenting right now. They talk about self- parenting as well as child parenting and our natural state of being (pure joy).  They talk about conditioning and toxic as well as balanced masculinity and how we hold both masculine and feminine energies within our sacred containers.  Toni offers a JUICY 3 minute guided visualization for release and Jadi offers some stimulating self-reflective questions.  They share their own Full Moon rituals this time around and fini

  • Season 5 Episode 7: Sagittarius Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) - Burn it All Away

    25/05/2021 Duration: 32min

    Hello Beloved EPs, Welcome to our collective gathering for this Full Moon Super Moon Full Lunar Eclipse!!! In Sagittarius.  Please set your space, grab your journal and pen, and spend the next 30 minutes exploring with us. Together we cover:  Ground and Centering Calling all parts of ourselves back Sacred RAGE  Western and Vedic Astrology Sun Signs, North and South Nodes  Toni pulls from the Ganesha card deck and offers a channeling for clarity. Blessings to you!  If you feel called, PLEASE send us pictures of your Full Moon ritual or tag us on IG: @parksholistichealth @jadiengels  You can also receive Toni's beautiful Full/New Moon Newsletter by signing up in the link in her IG bio (Jadi has a moon salutation yoga class in this issue!) As always, you can reach out to us via email: parksholistichealth@gmail.com jadiengels@gmail.com 

  • Season 5 Episode 6: Taurus New Moon - Enjoy Simple Pleasures

    11/05/2021 Duration: 33min

    Hello and happy New Moon EPs, Sending so much love to you!  In this episode, Toni and Jadi drop in and acknowledge what has been present for them during this new moon portal (3 days before and after new moon). They chat about the grounding earthy and pleasurable qualities of Taurus and how they are opening to them in their lives right now.  It's a great time to plant the seeds of new intentions and harness CONSISTENCY!  We love having you here; if you have any questions for either of us please reach out!  Toni: @parksholistichealth (IG) parksholistichealth@gmail.com - SIGN UP FOR HER NEWSLETTER! A beautiful collaborative effort of a diverse range of healing womxn.  Jadi: @jadiengels (IG), jadiengels@gmail.com; YT: womxn's yoga with jadi  Much Love, Toni + Jadi

  • Season 6 Episode 2: Scorpio Full Moon - Embrace What You Fear

    25/04/2021 Duration: 28min

    Welcome to our Full Moon circle EPs, Snuggle in, get cozy, grab a cup of your favorite tea and your journal and let's go IN. Toni leads us through a beautiful grounding and centering  Embracing the aspects of ourselves that we often hide away How to reintegrate back into the external world Simple but powerful practices Identifying with the Witness  How to tell if it's Your energy or someone else's  Toni's FM ritual Jadi's  Where you can continue to connect with us between moons: Toni: @parksholistichealth (IG) and parksholistichealth@gmail.com (sign up for her NewMoon/FullMoon Newsletter and reach out to CONTRIBUTE!) Jadi: @jadiengels (IG) YT: womxn's yoga with jadi  May you find your roots in your practice, backed by this community's loving support, to go deeper on this Full Moon Toni + Jadi

  • Season 6 Episode 1: Aries New Moon - Kindle the Spark of your Existence

    11/04/2021 Duration: 33min

    Hello EPs, Blessings as we enter the first New Moon of the first sign in the zodiac, Aries!  Are you feeling the fire-y energy of initiative? Wanting to right injustices? Feeling like you don't give a f* and are ready to just BE yourself!?  Embrace it!  In this moon circle, Toni and I embrace:  opening + centering how the Aries energy has been connecting us back to our "rebel" days and how we are integrating that NOW the fire of initiative and how it is moving us: Toni = community and Jadi = career (hint: check out where Aries and other fire signs live in your chart!) TONI's OFFERINGS: mentorship program for coaches begins APRIL 15th! NEW MOON CIRCLE TONIGHT! Connect IG: @parksholistichealth email: parksholistichealth@gmail.com JADI's OFFERINGS: Connect IG @jadiengels YouTube: Womxn's Yoga with Jadi May this bring kindling to your unique fire in the world, Toni + Jadi

  • Season 5 Episode 5: Libra Full Moon - (Re)Create Your Container

    26/03/2021 Duration: 34min

    Welcome beloved sisters and fellow seekers of peace and internal wisdom, Gather yourself into the circle Ground + Center: breathe with us How are you feeling as we approach the Full Moon? Toni: feeling lighter than many full moons Jadi: feeling Aries more strongly History of mysticism and honoring the feminine Holy rage Embodied sensuality Social Media policing - have you experienced it? Witnessed it in accounts you follow? What does it bring up for you? This Full Moon is a great time to RELEASE - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually Practices: Breath of Fire ; free form dance (e.g., 5 Rhythms) Authentic expression Feminine expanse held in masculine container The power of breath - Elvis story RITUALS: Forgiveness letters - Jadi Toni - Deep release of external validation Ganesha Card Draw: Move + New Beginnings CONNECT: Toni: @parksholistichealth (SIGN UP for newsletter and to listen in to her conference interviews!!) Jadi: @jadiengels and Womxn’s yoga with Jadi on YouTube (FREE moon salutations

  • Season 5 Episode 4: Pisces New Moon - Honor Your Baseline

    12/03/2021 Duration: 36min

    Welcome back beloved EPs. Take a deep breath. Relax your body. Get comfy. Do something loving toward yourself. And come just as you are into this space with us. New Moon Circle Flow: Settle in Grounding + Centering Requesting Rapid Growth and being in the experience of it What is self-care? Hint: if it’s depleting you, its NOT self-care The intention BEHIND the action - we CANNOT avoid future pain Embodying the masculine AND feminine School of Fish analogy Honoring children’s birthdays as your completion of being a Portal from the spiritual to the material Scheduling self-care? Treating your body like a NEWBORN Shifting out of masculine self-care and spiritual practice into feminine Remember- the inner child already KNOW what they want - what to eat, how to move, etc. They already ARE connected to God, Source, All Small loving acts add up! New Moon Rituals: Honoring the Baseline Card Draw: Tiger + Hummingbird CONNECT WITH TONI: @parksholistichealth (sign up for the newsletter!); parksholistichealth@gmail.com

  • Season 5 Episode 3: Aquarius New Moon "Big Change"

    11/02/2021 Duration: 25min

    Welcome to our New Moon Circle Beautiful Beings, Settle in, make yourself as comfortable as you are able, and do something intentionally nice for you: light a candle, diffuse some oils, grab a blanket, a cup of tea or even a glass of water. Show yourself some love.  New moons are a time of new beginnings and here in the U.S. it very much feels that way! This new moon is in Aquarius, which is often associated with idealism, futuristic focus, and humanitarianism. It says "out with the old, in with the new!". That can feel like a relief; it can also feel incredibly jarring and uncomfortable. Wherever you find yourself, please be gentle and compassionate. Anchor inward. Settle the body so the mind can settle. Then, baby steps. What is one area of your life where you can take a baby step toward releasing old ways that are no longer serving you or the collective?  Here's the flow for this episode:  Grounding and Centering Feeling scattered lately? Overthinking = overcontrolling and how to work with t

  • Season 5 Episode 2: Leo Full Moon "Radical Authenticity"

    28/01/2021 Duration: 33min

    Hello EP's, Welcome to our cozy nook of the podcast space; grab your favorite sweater, cup of tea, journal and join us for this full moon circle and reflection. Full moon's are often about closure; a cycle completing. In this episode Toni and Jadi chat about what is closing for them, what has transpired in this 6 month cycle since the Leo New Moon in August, and share their favorite practices for heart-opening and living authentically.  It's a good one! Super love-y <3 Enjoy and please feel free to reach out to us! We love hearing from you!  You can connect with Toni @parksholistichealth on IG or parksholistichealth@gmail.com. She has a beautiful newsletter that goes out on the New and Full moon that offers a ton of resources for how to connect with this and your own rhythms.  Jadi is @jadiengels on IG and offers weekly free yoga and breath/meditation classes on YT: womxn's yoga with Jadi. You can also email her: jadiengels@gmail.com. Sending infinite peace your way, Toni + Jadi

  • Season 5 Episode 1: Capricorn New Moon "I will not waste an incarnation"

    12/01/2021 Duration: 28min

    Hello Beloveds, Set your sacred space, grab a cup of tea, and settle in for our FIRST new moon circle of 2021!!  Here's the rundown:  Upgrading into our authentic self to find true community Strength in Source - you are never alone Dharma: I don’t want to waste an incarnation The Great Work of your Life Stephen Cope How is Capricorn feeling for you? New moon = new fresh start new possibilities plant your intentions Trusting the process... FULLY Creating space to FEEL and to not be “ok” New moon rituals: Jadi - Ganesha Toni - bath; planting intentions ; reiki Learn about Toni’s Yoni group: @parksholistichealth ; parksholistichealth@gmail.com Book Jadi referenced: The Great Work of Your Life - Stephen Cope New Moon Circle with Radha @bhaktiyogashala @jadiengels YouTube: womxns yoga with Jadi Great Love to you, Toni + Jadi

  • Season 4 Episode 25: Cancer Full Moon (Final one of the year!)

    29/12/2020 Duration: 29min

    Beloved EPs, My heart is so full of gratitude as I reflect on the closing of this year; thank you so much for holding this sacred space with us, for journeying into the dark so that we can rise into the light, together, stronger, brighter. May this final ceremony of 2020 together be of highest service to your unfolding and thriving. Peace and Blessings, Toni + Jadi What we Cover: Full Moon in Cancer Gratitude Grounding + Centering Naming and thanking our Soul Family and all the sources that got us through this year! Cancer energy: home, family, being inward, nurturing Jadi: out of the head and into the heart; word for 2021: Joy childlike innocence is Divine Toni: releasing judgement - honoring our unique differences Listening/watching someone fully lit up by what their doing is inspiring for us all Living our Dharma Feel the grief and then the peace Toni: It’s not that serious; let it GOOO Moon Practice: Chanting + Listening; Bath + Womb release Card Draw: New Deck!! Chakra Deck - Throat + Solar Plexus Toni:

  • Season 4 Episode 24: Sagittarius New Moon (Solar Eclipse)!

    11/12/2020 Duration: 36min

    Hello Beloved EPs, We want to lovingly welcome you into this space, take a deep breath, let your surroundings feel nourishing, and take a journey within.  Here's what we'll cover together:  Grounding + Centering “If I don’t ground and center first, I am pulling from the events of my day rather than my heart and intuition.” - Toni A breakdown of the energy of a New Moon Solar Eclipse We’re coming to the end of a LONG advanced cosmic course We’re finally shifting out of (200 years!!) of heaviness into lightness, accelerated understanding, innovation, and humanitarian focus (yay!!) Gratitude = magical formula to hold loving space around the pain “I’m not cancelling out the fact that this suffering is happening. I’m acknowledging that and honoring that - I’m not trying to bypass that or distract myself from it. AND there are also surrounding it these vibrations that lift me up and carry me through it.” - Jadi “The beauty is in the duality, the contrast” - Toni Toxic Positivity New Moon Rituals: Jadi - M

  • Season 4 Episode 23: Gemini Full Moon (eclipse!)

    27/11/2020 Duration: 28min

    Hello Beloved EPs,  Welcome to this Full Moon (eclipse) energy! It has much to reveal to us. So set your space, get cozy, and join us in the full moon tent as we explore together:  Gemini + Sagittarius energy bringing lightness and optimism Use the destructive power of the Eclipse to RELEASE Eclipse energy can be felt 10 days before/after Growing pains - energetic shifting/upleveling Cutting Energetic Cords Surrender is a continual practice May be feeling PAST energetics that we haven’t addressed 5years, 10years, past lives the Seesaw of spiritual/human experience Full Moon Rituals: journaling, release, burn it! Spirituality doesn’t require you to abandon your humanity Venus in Scorpio: intensity in relationships/matters of the heart? Connecting to inner child/playfulness: hang out with kids! Remember what your younger self was like and let them out to play. What taps you into the Magic? Spirit Animal card draw: take of the masks! You can connect with Toni @parksholistichealth (IG) parksholisticheal

  • Season 4 Episode 22: Scorpio New Moon

    13/11/2020 Duration: 22min

    Hello Beloved EPs,  Please set your sacred space and join us in the Red Tent for this new moon womxn's gathering. Here's what we'll invoke:  Welcome + Grounding Energetic “time” travel Where is your energy at? Comfort is a human right Scorpio = seeing beneath the surface, seeking revelation P.S. check out which house in your chart this NM is taking place; it can offer additional info on how you might experience it! New Moon Rituals The fierce practice of surrender Finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of the year Anxiety and labor pains Somatic meditation Ice to water, water to gas - Tara Brach Honoring the toll of the political climate and taking what you need to find grounding Ganesha deck card pull You can find Toni @parksholistichealth (IG) or parksholistichealth@gmail.com; Jadi @jadiengels (IG) or Womxn's Yoga with Jadi (YouTube) Peace and richest blessings to each of you, Toni + Jadi

  • Season 4 Episode 21: Taurus Full (Blue) Moon

    30/10/2020 Duration: 27min

    Hello Beloved EPs, Welcome to this Full Moon circle in Taurus (Venus) on HALLOWEEN!  Taurus brings a nice earthy groundedness for us but may also reveal where we are being stubborn/keeping ourselves stuck out of fear/habit. This is also an interesting reflection point for most of us as we are ENDING a 6 MONTH CYCLE that began with the Taurus New Moon in April. What themes have come up for you? What growth work are you being called into?  We explore this as well as:  -The big practice of unconditional love; creating the example you’d love to see -Taurus energy: Genuine Emotional Vulnerability  -Reflection: where were you at the end of April of this year? What themes have come up for you over the past 6 months? -Ancestral healing and cellular memory -Ancient feminine honoring -Full Moon Ritual: gratitude to your teachers and luminaries; calling on ancestors; bath (or take a moon bath); moon salutations Jadi and Toni are IN SYNC today (lol) Card Draw: Turtle spirit (slow down and be adaptable

  • Season 4 Episode 20: Libra New Moon - Harmonizing the Light and Dark within and without

    15/10/2020 Duration: 30min

    Hello Beloved EP's. Blessings of peace and vitality to you on this New Moon. Welcome to the circle. We are so glad you are here.  Here's the rundown of this moon circle:  Welcome, ground and center Shaking: nervous system reset Honoring our internal and external seasons “Im not gonna move the way I was moving in July and that's ok” “What can I do to make this easier right now? More pleasurable?” Addressing the darkness within and without “what knocks you off your center? what brings you back to center?” Vulnerability and transparency in honest conversations The exhaustion of hiding parts of your true self New Moon Rituals Lots of Venus present this month = focus on self-love (it connects to Divine/Universal love) Ganesha Card pull Connect with Toni (@parksholistichealth; parksholistichealth@gmail.com) and Jadi (@jadiengels; jadiengels@gmail.com) So Much Love, Toni + Jadi

  • Season 4 Episode 19: Aries Full Moon - Using the Fire to Transform Anew

    01/10/2020 Duration: 26min

    Hello Beloved EPs, Toni and I are honored to be your guides through this Full Moon Circle. Please set your space, make it feel nurturing and cozy, grab the tools that are calling to you, and settle in with us.  Here's what we'll cover: Intro Ground + Center Full Moon in Aries: gives us that push, that extra boost of confidence, courage, strength Fire= transformation, purification, phoenix rising from the ashes - where is life trying to transform and reveal an even more expanded version of you? BOUNDARIES Allowing yourself to CHANGE - it doesn’t make you flaky or a hypocrite - it means you are self aware You don’t have to sacrifice your joy to stay in something How will you resource your Inner Warrior? Internal Family Systems and naming your voices and creating space from identifying with them Shadow Work- embracing what we like to keep hidden Conscious Social Media use Card pull: Promise of the Future; Concentration “the promise of (being in the) now will bring you the future that you desire” Connect wit

  • Season 4 Episode 18: Virgo New Moon - Put Down What You're Carrying

    17/09/2020 Duration: 22min

    Hello Beautiful, We come to you on this Virgo New Moon with so much love, support, space holding, and resourcing. We hope you receive it fully and expand into your Infinite Self!  Here's the breakdown:  Grounding + Centering Awareness: become your own healer Convincing yourself you are worthy of self care Feeling anxious? Sleepless nights? Recognize there is a LOT going on in the world right now. You may need more rest and space to build up reserves to be a beneficial difference on the planet. Practice: dream journal Embracing pure emotional expression Releasing routines to a new and better way Sleep Hygiene tips New Moon Rituals Connect with us! Instagram: @jadiengels @parksholistichealth Questions for us? Email: jadiengels@gmail.com or parksholistichealth@gmail.com Until Next Time, Sending you So Much Love, Toni & Jadi

  • Season 4 Episode 17: Pisces (Harvest) Full Moon - Receive + Release

    01/09/2020 Duration: 21min

    Hello Beautiful Listeners and fellow practitioners, May this Full Moon intuitive healing practice support your Highest Unfolding! Included: Set your space Ground + Center Pisces energy = dreamy, floaty... have you noticed vivid dreams lately!? Craving FALL things? Time to ground! Toni’s Full Moon Reflection Jadi’s Full Moon Reflection Getting comfortable with going inward, the dream state, and the emotional realm The balancing energy of the Pisces Full Moon and Virgo Sun Redecorate your INTERIOR landscape Create the “normal” you want to experience What have you learned about yourself in 2020? Ritual: create a Spiritual bath Ask your body parts (pain) what they have to say to you Card: Nothing Will Come of This Situation - what can you let go of? what are you dragging along that you can let go? What is it time to release and let die? Share your Rituals and Practices with us! @parksholistichealth @jadiengels Use the hashtag: #empoweredpracticerituals Contact us: parksholistichealth@gmail.com; jadiengels@gmail.c

  • Season 4 Episode 16: Leo New Moon - What Fire is Being Lit in You?

    18/08/2020 Duration: 22min

    Happy New Moon in Leo EP's!  Here's the Magic we are offering you in this episode: -Set your Space -Centering -Lessons We’re learning right now (and re-learning) -Where are we blocking the overflow? -Fear of being our fullest expression -Embracing systems and SERVICE (including to yourself!) -Finding daily fulfillment and resisting settling -Creating a Joy list -What did you love to do as a child? -Affirmative Prayer -Card draw: The Lion - what fire is being lit under you? - New Moon Ritual: Review the last 2 week for THEMES Interested in working with Toni on Holistic Mental Wellness? Email her at: parksholistichealth@gmail.com or reach out on IG: @parksholistichealth Would you like support from Jadi? She can be reached at: jadiengels@gmail.com or on IG: @jadiengels So much love to you!! Toni + Jadi

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