Empowered Practice

Season 4 Episode 21: Taurus Full (Blue) Moon



Hello Beloved EPs, Welcome to this Full Moon circle in Taurus (Venus) on HALLOWEEN!  Taurus brings a nice earthy groundedness for us but may also reveal where we are being stubborn/keeping ourselves stuck out of fear/habit. This is also an interesting reflection point for most of us as we are ENDING a 6 MONTH CYCLE that began with the Taurus New Moon in April. What themes have come up for you? What growth work are you being called into?  We explore this as well as:  -The big practice of unconditional love; creating the example you’d love to see -Taurus energy: Genuine Emotional Vulnerability  -Reflection: where were you at the end of April of this year? What themes have come up for you over the past 6 months? -Ancestral healing and cellular memory -Ancient feminine honoring -Full Moon Ritual: gratitude to your teachers and luminaries; calling on ancestors; bath (or take a moon bath); moon salutations Jadi and Toni are IN SYNC today (lol) Card Draw: Turtle spirit (slow down and be adaptable