Empowered Practice

Season 5 Episode 5: Libra Full Moon - (Re)Create Your Container



Welcome beloved sisters and fellow seekers of peace and internal wisdom, Gather yourself into the circle Ground + Center: breathe with us How are you feeling as we approach the Full Moon? Toni: feeling lighter than many full moons Jadi: feeling Aries more strongly History of mysticism and honoring the feminine Holy rage Embodied sensuality Social Media policing - have you experienced it? Witnessed it in accounts you follow? What does it bring up for you? This Full Moon is a great time to RELEASE - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually Practices: Breath of Fire ; free form dance (e.g., 5 Rhythms) Authentic expression Feminine expanse held in masculine container The power of breath - Elvis story RITUALS: Forgiveness letters - Jadi Toni - Deep release of external validation Ganesha Card Draw: Move + New Beginnings CONNECT: Toni: @parksholistichealth (SIGN UP for newsletter and to listen in to her conference interviews!!) Jadi: @jadiengels and Womxn’s yoga with Jadi on YouTube (FREE moon salutations