Empowered Practice

Season 4 Episode 23: Gemini Full Moon (eclipse!)



Hello Beloved EPs,  Welcome to this Full Moon (eclipse) energy! It has much to reveal to us. So set your space, get cozy, and join us in the full moon tent as we explore together:  Gemini + Sagittarius energy bringing lightness and optimism Use the destructive power of the Eclipse to RELEASE Eclipse energy can be felt 10 days before/after Growing pains - energetic shifting/upleveling Cutting Energetic Cords Surrender is a continual practice May be feeling PAST energetics that we haven’t addressed 5years, 10years, past lives the Seesaw of spiritual/human experience Full Moon Rituals: journaling, release, burn it! Spirituality doesn’t require you to abandon your humanity Venus in Scorpio: intensity in relationships/matters of the heart? Connecting to inner child/playfulness: hang out with kids! Remember what your younger self was like and let them out to play. What taps you into the Magic? Spirit Animal card draw: take of the masks! You can connect with Toni @parksholistichealth (IG) parksholisticheal