Empowered Practice



In these conversations, Jadi, holistic health coach, and yoga and meditation teacher, will share the questions, resources, and actionable strategies that have served her own as well as client's ever-unfolding health journeys into becoming who we truly are.


  • taurus new moon: take a nap!

    19/05/2023 Duration: 21min

    Welcome back! Happy taurus nm! We made it through eclipse szn and another mercury retrograde (thank god!). Jupiter is in taurus for the first time in 12 years = abundance in slowing down and smelling the roses, or eating the cookie, or getting the massage, basically doing what feels sustainable and pleasurable to you! May this episode support you and inspire you. All love, Toni + Jadi Connect: Toni: @parksholistichealth; parksholistichealth@gmail.com Jadi: @jadiengels; jadiengels@gmail.com

  • New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries: Tools for these times

    19/04/2023 Duration: 27min

    Hello Everyone, Thank you for continuing to return to these conversations with Toni and Jadi! We love holding this space and sharing the resources that we've accumulated in our journeys as helpers (Holistic Mental Wellness, Social Work). Eclipse energy can be intense; Aries is most certainly INTENSE. Take a breath. Pause. Get clear on where you are going and why in your daily actions. Some of the tools that help us: 1. Miracle Question (from Solution Focused Therapy): https://positivepsychology.com/miracle-question/ 2. Daily/regular self-check ins: What are my goals? Whats important in the process? What is the outcome? Would I be ok with not accomplishing said outcome? What would happen? Does this goal still matter to me? 3. VIA character strengths quiz: https://www.viacharacter.org/ - get clear on the values that matter most to you - does your work/hobbies/relationships nourish these values? Provide opportunities to express them? With so much love, Toni + Jadi Connect: Toni: @parksholistichealth (se

  • New Moon in Pisces: Slow down to speed up.

    17/02/2023 Duration: 26min

    Happy New Moon, happy belated valentine's day In this episode, Toni + Jadi drop into the reminder that it is still WINTER - a season for slowness, cozy, and simple pleasures. This new moon supports this energy!  We also talk about pacing, and cyclical wisdom. It doesn't all have to get done at once. Sometimes resting, which can make us feel behind, will actually open up new and more creative ways of approaching challenges and just daily life!  We hope you find this supportive and as always, we love to hear from you! Toni: @parksholistichealth; parksholistichealth@gmail.com Jadi: @jadiengels; jadiengels@gmail.com 

  • New Moon in Aquarius - Pressure is an illuminator, Authenticity is Queen

    20/01/2023 Duration: 27min

    Hello Beloved Community, Happy New Year! Happy New Moon and Lunar New Year!  In this episode Toni and Jadi chat about the energy of the old dying away, and how/why we cling to thing we know we've outgrown. We also discuss how authenticity is a magnetizer to what we truly want. As always, we share our current practices and resources, and LOVE hearing what's working for you! Share with us:  Toni: @parksholistichealth (IG), email: parksholistichealth@gmail.com Jadi: @jadiengels (IG), email: jadiengels@gmail.com With Love, Toni + Jadi

  • Full Moon in Gemini: The Space Between React and Respond

    06/12/2022 Duration: 29min

    Hello Beloveds, May this Full Moon in Gemini bring you all the lightness and levity that Sagittarius season can, balanced by the downward pull of the quiet, darker months of year as it comes to a close. As we mentioned in the episode, do not fear the darkness, for it is the space from which all things come, including your wildest wishes and dreams. Sit in it. Breathe with it. Give yourself the grace of the PAUSE (your nervous system will thank you!).  Peace + Holiday Blessings to you All, Toni + Jadi Connect: IG: @parksholistichealth, @jadiengels. Email: parksholistichealth@gmail.com; jadiengels@gmail.com Sign Up for Toni's Full Moon/New Moon News Letter (IG Link in Bio)

  • Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus: Circles and Cycles and Slowing Down.

    07/11/2022 Duration: 36min

    Hey Everyone!! We couldn't be more excited to be back after taking a few months off (which is something we dive deeper into in the episode!). We hope you'll dive right back in with us, and as always, that you'll share your insights and questions with us. Collective wisdom is precious.  With Love, Toni + Jadi Connect with Toni: parksholistichealth@gmail.com; IG: @parksholistichealth (newsletter and moon circles and coaching and more!) Connect with Jadi: jadiengels@gmail.com; IG: @jadiengels 

  • Season 6 Episode 6: Taurus New Moon. Practicality is Power

    28/04/2022 Duration: 38min

    Welcome back! Toni described this episode as a "cozy warm hug" and I couldn't agree more. We chat about simplifying and redefining "luxury".  We chat about MINDFULNESS and how fear and adrenaline can be addictive. We chat about SELF AGENCY and how focusing on what is going well can actually lead to deeper trust in ourselves. It's a good one. Don't miss it! Connect with Toni: @parksholistichealth or parksholistichealth@gmail.com - sign up for the newsletter! receive your free New Moon journal prompts or join the New Moon Circle TONIGHT 4/28 at 9p EST. Connect with Jadi: @jadiengels; jadiengels@gmail.com; YouTube channel for mindfulness practices: Womxn's Yoga with Jadi Peace and Blessings, Toni + Jadi

  • Season 6 Episode 5: Libra Full Moon

    14/04/2022 Duration: 36min

    Welcome back everyone!  It is my intention that our podcast episodes get posted in video format here as well; I will try to stay consistent with it!  As has been the case for years now, holistic mental wellness coach, Toni Parks, and I (Jadi, wellness advocate and MSW student and yoga teacher) were in complete alignment and flow. It is always such a beautiful experience and I hope you feel that too through this conversation!   We chat about:  Cave of the Heart Meditation  Libra - the diplomat and how this full moon is pushing us into the upleveled version of ourselves, perhaps asking us to continue or finalize the work of letting go of things (especially in relationships) that are holding us back from that.  We chat about Non-violent Communication (https://www.cnvc.org/about/marshall)  We chat about self-compassion, self-honoring, self-care and how it encourages us to step into our power and to allow ourselves to use our voices.   May it be of benefit to each and everyo

  • Season 6 Episode 4: Aries New Moon

    30/03/2022 Duration: 36min

    Welcome to the Zodiac New Year with baby Aries!  In this episode Holistic Mental Wellness Coach Toni and Health and Life Coach Jadi discuss navigating challenge, finding the balance between structure and surrender, and engaging with the world around us through a child-like playfulness.  Resources Mentioned:  Toni's New/Full Moon Newsletter (sign up @parksholistichealth on IG or ask to be added at parksholistichealth@gmail.com) "Can't Even: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation" by Anne Helen Petersen  YouTube: Molly McCord astrology  IFS or Internal Family Systems (see No Bad Parts by Dick Schwartz)  You can connect with Toni on IG or via email (see above)  You can connect with Jadi on IG @jadiengels or via email: jadiengels@gmail.com Deep and Rich Blessings and Abundant Energy to each of you

  • Season 6 Episode 3: Pisces New Moon

    01/03/2022 Duration: 28min

    The Magic Formula exists... but it's unique to you... Don't rush your winter... Have we piqued your curiosity yet? Join us for a nurturing, Piscean episode of simplifying, lightening our load, and beginning to make space for the new.  May you feel the presence of this community, may it hold and support you in all you are becoming.  Connect with Toni: @parksholistichealth; parksholistichealth@gmail.com; Sign up for the newsletter and your FREE consultation! Connect with Jadi: @jadiengels; jadiengels@gmail.com; YT: womxn's yoga with Jadi - free yoga, breath, and meditation classes!

  • Season 6 Episode 2: Leo Full Moon

    14/02/2022 Duration: 35min

    Welcome to our Bright, Sparkly, Full Moon in Leo Space everyone <3 In this episode we discuss how the qualities of Leo are moving in our lives right now: courage, leadership, FUN and what the last six months has taught us in this realm (along with lots of personal anecdotes and resources, as always!). Connect with us: Toni: IG: @parksholistichealth; parksholistichealth@gmail.com; sign up for the Newsletter for all offerings (including the upcoming Full Moon Circle and Women's Retreat!!!) and schedule your FREE 1:1 consult  Jadi: IG@jadiengels; jadiengels@gmail.com; YT: womxn's yoga with Jadi  Resources mentioned: The F*ck it Diet and Tired as F*ck by Caroline Dooner 

  • Season 6 Episode 1: Cancer Full Moon

    14/01/2022 Duration: 31min

    Hello Beloved Community, Happy New Year! Thank you for being here, many of you have been with us since the beginning almost 4 years ago! Thank you, we love you, and we feel you in each of these sweet virtual gathering we have together. In this episode: Toni + Jadi discuss what has been present in the transition from 2021 to 2022. While we have both felt an energetic shift from exhaustion to the peering in of cracks of light guiding the way, we acknowledge that may not (YET) be the case for you. Stay with it. Keep breathing. Keep trusting. Keep showing up for yourself.  We share our favorite water-sign cancerian practices, including baths, sprucing up the home, cozying, and RESTING.  We talk about the many ways that rest can express itself and how futile it can be to compare to others.  As this is the sign of the Moon and the moon represents the Mother/Feminine, we spend quite a bit of time focused on how the mothering energy can present itself and practices that can support it such as:  1.

  • Season 5 Episode 16: Gemini Full Moon

    17/12/2021 Duration: 40min

    Welcome back to our sacred space together, Take a deep breath. Arrive. That is all that is required.  Today Toni + Jadi chat about the flurry of this season (pun intended), and how energetically/spiritually, we are really being called into silence, solitude, and reflection. It is a time of slowing down and simple pleasures (naps, reading a good book, cuddling, cooking).  This full moon comes as a prequel to the Solstice on December 21st. This is the darkest day of the year. And then we move toward lighter days again.  How does this resonate for you? What patterns have you noticed in your life lately that align with this? Or feel out of alignment?  Jadi + Toni share their favorite tools for being internal, and how to be with the discomfort that can and will arise when we get still enough. One of them is IFS - Internal Family Systems, a form of self therapy that is ever-growing in popularity for its simplicity and POWER.  May these practices serve you. May you experience the peace an

  • Season 5 Episode 15: Sagittarius New Moon Solar Eclipse

    03/12/2021 Duration: 38min

    Welcome back beauties, In this episode, Toni + Jadi find themselves flowing right away, so they invite you to join in, right where you are... is perfect. They chat about what has been present, surrender, feminine spirituality, and the deep and powerful work of getting STILL and RECEIVING.  They share their solar eclipse rituals, and the many exciting upcoming offerings, including Toni's NEWSLETTER (out December 4th), Astroworkshop (December 5th), and The WELLNESS IS A BIRTHRIGHT conference (December 12th). You can sign up in Toni's IG bio (@parksholistichealth) and/or email parksholistichealth@gmail.com Jadi also shares a new SLOW FLOW + YIN practice on her YT channel: womxn's yoga with Jadi. Its grounding, warming, nurturing, and she would love to share it with you! Let her know how you feel and send her any practice requests at jadiengels@gmail.com or IG: @jadiengels Much Love, Toni + Jadi

  • Season 5 Episode 14: Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

    18/11/2021 Duration: 38min

    Welcome back beauties, Toni + I were in the flow as we recorded this, so we just jumped right in: - the importance of REST for harnessing feminine POWER - the wisdom in WINTER / MENSTRUATION / THE VOID - a CYCLICAL rather than LINEAR journey MEANS we will return to themes/habits/patterns many times - the importance of pleasure/luxuriating  - making SPACE within containers for FLOW to happen - you've planted the seeds, now LET GO and watch them grow SELF CARE CARD DRAW Connect with Toni: @parksholistichealth IG; parksholistichealth@gmail.com; Sign up for her bi-monthly newsletter and Moon Circles; check out the Wellness is a Birthright Virtual Conference!  Connect with Jadi: @jadiengels IG; jadiengels@gmail.com; YOUTUBE: womxn's yoga with Jadi Big Spacious Blessings, Toni + Jadi

  • Season 5 Episode 13: Scorpio New Moon - Resource + Renew

    04/11/2021 Duration: 40min

    Hello Lovlies, Intentioning that this new moon circle be of highest benefit to you, right in this moment.  Toni + I took a brief break (one moon cycle). Honestly, I was craving some spaciousness in my life. I still am, but small pockets of rest are SO helpful, even if they don't feel like it immediately. Remember, doing isn't always better than being. And ALOT happens while we rest; our bodies, minds, energy integrates and can fully reset. What if we got in the habit of resting to a solution!?  In this episode: - Toni offers grounding and center - Toni + Jadi chat about the energy that has been present within and around them lately: grief, letting go, resetting - The gift of being alive and how the pandemic can bring this practice into full awareness - Our TOP tools for creating the inner world that we want to experience inside and out!  - IFS - Myers Briggs - Toni card draw + Prajna Paramita mantra (a letting go practice) YOU CAN FIND TONI: @parksholistichealth on IG (sign up for newsletter, m

  • Season 5 Episode 12: Pisces Full Moon

    19/09/2021 Duration: 41min

    Welcome back!! It's so nice to be gathering together in community after a month-long break. One of the topics Toni and Jadi often talk about is the importance of REST. Sleep and leisure are also important SEPARATE categories of self-care and wellbeing. And we both felt the effects of having a month of space to really feel into how these cosmic shifts are impacting on personal, community, and global levels! In this episode we cover: 1. Pisces Full Moon + Sun in Libra - this is the CULMINATION of lessons learned over the past 6 months. Think back to March; what are the primary themes that you have been working with? What feels like it is ready to be released? What feels complete? 2. We share the biggest lessons we've learned over the past month - juicccccyyyyy - and we talk about the importance of celebrating, asking for what we would love to receive, manifesting intentions, and being ok with UNRESOLVED conversations 3. Toni gives us a deep dive into IFS (internal family systems) and Jadi shares about her Womx

  • Season 5 Episode 11: Leo New Moon

    07/08/2021 Duration: 33min

    Welcome back everyone <3 Intentioning that this energy of Leo and the Lions Gate Portal is ushering in the new and dissolving away what is no longer meant for your path. Are you feeling it? In this episode Toni + I: - ground + center - discuss the emotional waves of the past couple of weeks and what is being revealed in our lives as a result - discuss the power of fear (which is really just absence/lack that we give power to) and the power in embracing our own shadow aspects (a loving and honest callout to cut the BS) - embracing your inner child; what would they love and how would they love to be integrated/included in your life now? For Toni + I, we are finding embracing creativity really supportive!  - card draw and channeling from Toni JOIN US: @parksholistichealth (click link in bio for newsletter and Full/New Moon Gatherings) @jadiengels (womxn's yoga with Jadi on YT) In Love, Jadi + Toni

  • Season 5 Episode 10 Aquarius (Capricorn) Full Moon

    23/07/2021 Duration: 38min

    Welcome back beloveds, Happy Full Moon in Aquarius/Capricorn (Vedic Astro)! We invite you to come as your FULL self, and to continue to choose you as we move through this circle experience together. In this episode we: Ground + Center Discuss the energy of Aquarius and what it means and feels like to step into the Authentic Self (and it's not all rainbows and sunshine) Discuss the energy of Capricorn from the Vedic Astro perspective and how these two come together to really encourage us to RISE  Moonology Card Draw and Channeling We hope you find as much juiciness in this episode as we did!  TONI: @parksholistichealth (https://linktr.ee/parksholistichealth) - Check out her link in bio for Full Moon Circle, Leo Spotify Playlist, and Newlsetter! parksholistichealth@gmail.com JADI: @jadiengels ; jadiengels@gmail.com; YT: womxn's yoga with Jadi (Feel free to send requests for certain yoga practices/themes!)  With Love Always, Jadi + Toni

  • Season 5 Episode 9: Cancer (Gemini) New Moon

    09/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    Blessed New Moon Everyone, welcome, welcome, welcome. We invite you to get comfy, grab a cuppa something that feels nurturing or celebratory and set your space. Let's dive in:  - Grounding and Centering: Paradise visualization  - Celebration  - Believing that Good can happen for you! - How the laws of manifestation work (energy all the way down to material existence)  - Spiritual practice and Spiritual Ego  - Ganesha card draw + Self care card!  As always you can find Toni: @parksholistichealth IG and parksholistichealth@gmail.com (SIGN UP FOR THE New/Full MOON NEWSLETTER AND NEW MOON ZOOM CIRCLE in link in bio) You can find Jadi: @jadiengels IG; Womxn's yoga with Jadi YT; jadiengels@gmail.com (please please send me your requests for topics to blog/cover) Loving you all so much and so grateful for your time and energy; it matters. 

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