Empowered Practice



In these conversations, Jadi, holistic health coach, and yoga and meditation teacher, will share the questions, resources, and actionable strategies that have served her own as well as client's ever-unfolding health journeys into becoming who we truly are.


  • Season 4 Episode 15: Aquarius Full Moon - Shaking away the old to reveal the New

    03/08/2020 Duration: 16min

    Welcome to this sacred space for your Full Moon in Aquarius ritual! Here's what we're offering you: 1. Grounding + Breathing exercise - reconnect to your life force energy 2. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus - shaking things to let the loose things fall away 3. Stop trying to overplan and over prepare; you. are. enough 4. Do your part and then surrender 5. Moon Rituals: Receive - meditation and free write Spend time with altar, candles, crystals Spend extra time grounding (airy Aquarius!) Reach out to your TRIBE for support! Card: The answers you need are coming Bring the energy down and out (SPEAK IT!) **remember to have fun, change can be fun! You've manifested a NEW LIFE; you can relax now! All Love, Toni + Jadi

  • Season 4 Episode 14: (2nd) Cancer New Moon

    20/07/2020 Duration: 28min

    Hello beautiful Empowered Practitioners, Toni + I are so honored to welcome you into this intuitive healing circle for the Cancer New Moon (the first one NOT in lunar eclipse since 2017) Here's the download: Set your space Ground + Center Gentle acts of love are powerful (STRETCH!) Create a mind palace - inner royalty= outer royalty Card draw: nurture yourself + you are seeing this situation accurately  Get your home in order, internally and externally Take time to notice your resilience from 2 years ago Taking up your fullest space invites others to do the same Alchemize the fire into your desires Don’t forget to breathe! Share your New Moon Rituals with us! #empowerednewmoonritual  Connect with us: @parksholistichealth @jadiengels  Sending you Love, Toni + Jadi

  • Season 4 Episode 13: Capricorn Full Moon + Lunar Eclipse!

    03/07/2020 Duration: 31min

    Hello Beautiful Ones, Thank you so much for sharing your practice and journey to empowerment and embodiment of Divine with us; we so appreciate you! Here's what we have for you on this Full Moon: Grounding + Centering The power of SHIFTING YOUR NARRATIVE It’s our birthright to control our narrative Lunar Eclipse rituals What themes have been present for you since July 2018? What feels magnified right now? Know that it will pass after this weekend! Cancer energy = nurture yourself, give yourself the patience you give everyone else Mercury is still in retrograde until SUNDAY - move slowly. Be more internal. Reflect. How to step into the Authority of your own life Union of Capricorn and Cancer = marrying the Masculine and Feminine for SUSTAINABLE change You have a message that only you can share “Authority” is less about what you say and more about the energetic frequency you hold Card draw Full Moon reflection suggestion: Explore your relationship to Authority Sending you So Much Love, Toni + Jadi

  • Season 4 Episode 12: Cancer New Moon - Ground, Turn Inward, Nurture, Receive

    19/06/2020 Duration: 26min

    Hello beautiful Empowered Practice Community, We hope this new moon message brings you strength, hope, and practical tools for thriving through these times. May they be medicine to your spirit. Lineup: - ground + centering -Simple Grounding Techniques for these times -Multiple Planets in Retrograde: a time of slowing down, pulling back, and going inward The last time we had this energetic alignment was in 2001; think back to that time - is anything coming up for you to reflect on or bring final release to? Our New Moon Rituals Mercury Retrograde until July 12 - watch your communication and don’t take things personally Retrograde cycle - final dissolving of past patterns and making space for a new way of being Solar eclipse magnifying that energy of letting go of the old and moving into the unknown before the new is embraced The importance of levity and self-love during these times Cancer is a water sign that rules the womb, birth, family, the home, and emotions. How can you nurture yourself? How can you make

  • Season 4 Episode 11: Sagittarius Full Moon - Destruction, Ascension, and Rebirth

    05/06/2020 Duration: 23min

    Hello EP's We are so honored to hold this loving, grounding, honest, and raw space with and for you all.  Our intention is always to remind you of your own innate power, healing potential, and light and how you can activate it with simple and wise techniques.  In this episode we offer:  Grounding and Centering "Destruction of the idea that I have to be outside of myself to fulfill happiness joy to change the world when in actuality the more I’m inside myself and honoring all of me - that’s when I’m doing my part and that’s when things feel better" - Toni "White Fragility" by Robin Diangelo and exploring White Privilege - Jadi Having uncomfortable conversations - good and gritty Moving from fire and passion to empathy and compassion Saliency - how it feels when your differences are amplified THIS full moon and eclipse feels like we are being called to purge, detox, and let go With the protesting and riots and the pandemic - everything thats going on its trying to fill up all of our space and onl

  • Season 4 Episode 10: Gemini New Moon - Integrating and Honoring All Aspects of OurSelves

    22/05/2020 Duration: 21min

    Hey EP's Toni and I are sending you so much love coming off of the watery, emotionally-intense Scorpio full moon and having MULTIPLE planets in retrograde last week made for A LOT of past stuff coming up to be released.  Now as we enter into Gemini season this Friday, we can lighten it up! Express ourselves. Integrate all aspects of ourselves, listening to the many voices within knowing that we hold the seat of power for all of them. Here's what this episode includes:  Ground + Center with Breath Instant Grounding Techniques How retrograde planets are bringing past lessons injuries and wound and how to move through it It’s not always about getting rid of the pain, but cultivating the space to hold it Working with the masculine and feminine Taking the Path of Least Resistance Remember you hold the Seat of Power for all aspects of yourself EO upgrades : Lavender + Frankincense Moonology Card Draw Creating a New Moon Ritual As always we LOVE to hear from you! You can find us on instagram @jadiengels a

  • Empowered Practice Season 4 Episode 9: Flower Full Moon in Scorpio

    06/05/2020 Duration: 25min

    Welcome Back EP's!  In this episode @parksholistic health (toni) and I (jadi) welcome in and discuss the energy of this Flower Full Moon in Scorpio (which will reach its peak this Thursday 5/7/20).  Toni brings us an opportunity to ground and center into the present moment and she shares a card draw for us to further connect with ourselves.  We discuss:  Inner Child work  Full Moon Rituals for this season including:  1. working with essential oils, especially grounding tree oils and citrus oils for upliftment 2. water therapy and taking medicinal baths with epsom salts, crystals, and essential oils  3. free writing  4. embodied movement  We share how we like to connect to our energy during these times and we'd LOVE to see yours! Share your Full Moon ritual with us on IG and tag @parksholistichealth and @jadiengels so we can celebrate with you!  If you'd like to work on a 1:1 basis with Toni or Jadi, please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions!&

  • Season 4 Episode 8: Taurus New Moon

    22/04/2020 Duration: 29min

    Hello Beloved EP's!  Welcome back on this Taurus New Moon.  We hope you are harnessing this energy to the fullest to support your health and life vision! Here's the support we are offering you at this time: a simple Grounding/centering into this Taurus energy *reminder: Slow down EVEN more to create a FOUNDATION for your life vision This new moon is asking you to: Use your heart (over your head) in making decisions Savor the simple things and the beauty around you Get clear on your VALUES (VIA Character Strengths assessment) Become wise about the shadow side of CLINGING : what are you holding onto that is draining your energy? Reactivate your goals *reminder: Slow and steady wins the race; don’t underestimate the power of ONE breath, a simple stretch, ONE affirmation What Toni’s working on : Worthiness and Self Love What Jadi’s working on : releasing Mental Restriction and finding new tools to cope with uncertainty Building your Toolbox Card Draw for this New Moon Where you can connect with Toni:&nb

  • Season 4 Episode 7: Libra Full Moon

    08/04/2020 Duration: 25min

    Hello EP's!  Toni and I are sending you so much love and support on this Libra (pink) Super Moon!  In this episode we share many of the practices and routines that are supporting us and our clients through this time; we hope you find them helpful too!  Please leave us a review if you are finding these episodes helpful; it would mean so much to us!  If you'd like to connect with us directly, you can find us on instagram:  Toni - @parksholistichealth Jadi - @jadiengels  If you have any questions about the show or a request for us to cover, please email jadiengels@gmail.com  Here's the episode breakdown: Ground + centering Card draw "find the bigger picture" Full Moon Ritual: Find something to celebrate, something to release, and something to AMPLIFY where are you being “wasteful” : physically emotionally mentally? False sense of scarcity and how to reroute to abundance Grounding into routine; leaning on your practice/s Time to illuminate your larger vision for your life so tha

  • Season 4 Episode 6: Aries New Moon + Quarantine Edition!

    25/03/2020 Duration: 33min

    Blessings of Love and Peace to each of you at this time!  Toni and I came together to not only share with you the astrological patterns you can tap into during this rise in Aries energy (fire, ambition, transformation), and transition into Spring, but we also wanted to share with you the tools and resources we offer our very own clients when going through times of increased stress and fear, which many are feeling right now.  Here are a few of the resources we shared:  1. Rasa Meditations (youtube)  2. Think Up (phone app for positive affirmations)  3. Insight Timer (meditation/guided visualization phone app) 4. PEN + PAPER (keep it simple! journal it out!)  5.  Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils (wild orange! peppermint!) 6. Get to know your Human Design (www.mybodygraph.com)  We hope that you feel uplifted, inspired, and ReSOURCED. Jadi + Toni

  • Episode 5: What is Human Design?

    14/03/2020 Duration: 20min

    Hi EP's!  We didn't have a full moon episode this go around, but I've been getting a lot of questions about Human Design- what it is, what questions can it answer, how can I learn more- so I recorded a brief episode sharing my take on all of that!  I hope you find it informative and as always, we LOVE receiving your feedback and questions.  So much love to you, Jadi

  • Episode 4: Pisces New Moon; Move from Intention or be Swept up in the Energy Around you.

    26/02/2020 Duration: 29min

    Hello EP's!  So happy to welcome you back into this sacred space that we share together.  In this short but juicy episode, Toni and I share:  Ground + Centering for Pisces New Moon; bridging water with Earth Spirit Animal Card draw Self-Care take just seconds and be PROFOUND with intention Seemingly intense emotions pass more swiftly when we are willing to FEEL them Mercury Retrograde: what are your triggers teaching you? Healing doesn’t happen linearly; it happens in layers Embracing ALL aspects of ourselves Techniques for managing the anxiety of change Why we numb out and how to work with it You are here to help CREATE the reality you wish to experience Grounding with Plant Wisdom Turning a light on fear Connecting back to our instinctual nature Allowing uncomfortable emotions to share the transformational gifts there here to share How Essential Oils connect you to your innate wisdom We’ve got to start seeing self-care as necessary rather than a selfish pastime Don’t deal with your triggers f

  • Episode 3: Leo Full Moon; Your Authentic Self is your most Royal Self

    12/02/2020 Duration: 30min

    Hey EP's, Welcome back and happy Leo Full Moon!  In this episode, we guide you through:  grounding + centering  card draw: balance spirituality with practicality and not allowing our emotions to overtake us balance your own personal expectations spiritual practice can be a living prayer it doesn’t need to be perfect, pretty, or neat, it just has to be authentic to you! Embrace the ebb and flow of emotions and lived experience; it’s all meaningful what parts of yourself are you trying to hide from yourself/others because they are uncomfortable or not in alignment with how you feel most comfortable presenting yourself to the world (to get love, validation, approval)? Honoring and parenting the inner child First, become aware of what needs loving within yourself Next, share only with a very trusted loved one or safe space (coach, therapist) What does it mean to be “practical” about your healing? Ground and love yourself up before putting yourself out to the world (put your NS in a healing state) N

  • Season 4 Episode 2: Aquarius New Moon - Create Your State

    22/01/2020 Duration: 30min

    Hello Beloved EP's!  In this episode, Toni and I lovingly offer you:  A Grounding practice; filtering Earth Energy through you How quickly we can change our state and the tools to get us there You inner state creates the reality you see Aquarius new moon; age of aquarius; BIG downloads; BIG ideas Don’t try to be in the masculine/feminine at the same time HD nuggets on manifesting Balance requires vulnerability and surrender Breathe energy into the life you’d LOVE to be living rather than just surviving Energy of aquarius: giving, independent, free, creative, airy Get clear in your vision so the winds of aquarius guide you TOWARD it rather than pulls you away from it The vibratory frequency of our emotions Gratitude: living as if it’s already here The journey of healing begins with self-compassion and acceptance - right where you are is enough you’re enough you are someone worth taking care of worth loving and you right here just breathing you are enough Self check in questions : What happened that d

  • Season 4: Episode 1: Wolf Full Moon in Cancer

    08/01/2020 Duration: 34min

    Hi Everyone! Toni and I are sending a big hug welcoming you back to the show!  In this episode, we share BIG LESSONS learned in the last couple months of 2019; anyone else feel like they shedded a lot!?  We talk about the power of RE-LEARNING FUN and embracing our MESSINESS as a sacred part of being human.  Toni shares about this first full moon of the year, the Wolf Moon, and offers us some practices to ground into the energy Jadi shares a simple practice for reconnecting to our interconnectedness with the world around us.  We're sending you so much love and energy! Thank you for joining us and we'd love to hear from YOU: if you have any questions or topics you'd like us to discuss please send them to: JADIENGELS@GMAIL.COM 

  • S3E4: Aries Full Moon - Initiate Yourself

    16/10/2019 Duration: 01h42s

    Hello Everyone!   I hope this initiating, powerful, confidence-boosting, resilience-inspiring energy of the Aries Full Moon is meeting you in a magical way!   In episode 4, Toni opens by guiding us through a refreshing empowering guided meditation/visualization and offers us some affirmations to carry us through these next couple of weeks.  We discuss the energy of Aries, the god of war, and offer some reflections for how this might be showing up in your life right now.   We chat about the POWER in creating our desired life from the INSIDE out (law of attraction)    We talk about judgement and lack and the biology behind the inner critic as well as share our favorite resources to move through it: if it feels uncomfortably, some good stuff is on the way!   We share our favorite ways to tap into playfulness and the power in a "spark" of imagination!   Finally, we share the power in CELEBRATING others wins (as well as ourselves; HINT: it's what is meant when

  • Episode 3: Libra New Moon: Balance, Intentions, Expectations

    02/10/2019 Duration: 56min

    Welcome Back! In this juicy episode, Toni and Jadi explore what energies they've been experiencing in this new Libra season. Toni guides us through gorgeous opening and closing meditations, and with the help of the scales, Anubis, and Ma'at, we explore balance, and reframing death to be a continual process of shedding what no longer serves us. We explore:  What vulnerable communication looks and feels like, and how to enter into it without getting our feelings hurt or taking things personally.  "Secret/Private Worry" Pressure creates diamonds: how decreased capacity can increase our clarity  How a craving for rigid conformity can actually be our energetic system craving grounding  Defining "health" and the pressure to live up to a "wellness practitioner" image - and how that gets in the way of our healing! Gentle Advice for this season: SLOW DOWN. When we move more slowly, we create the space to FEEL the energetic resonance of our choices, and can course correct with greater skill, ease, a

  • Harvest Full Moon: What Intentions are Driving your Daily Actions?

    18/09/2019 Duration: 58min

    Welcome Back!   In this episode, Toni and Jadi catch you up on the changes and shifts they've experienced over the past few weeks that took the podcast in a more expanded direction!    We discuss topics like remembering our wholeness, asking for what we need and blocks to receiving, the shame in law of attraction, the energy behind our intentions, why we cling to victimhood, and more.   We love joining you for these conversation and LOVE your feedback! Leave us a comment below on what most resonated with you and what topics you'd like us to cover in future episodes.    All love, Jadi

  • What's Your Period Story: Episode 1 of the Allied with Your Body Series

    07/08/2019 Duration: 47min

    Hi Everyone! I am SO EXCITED to welcome you back to Season 3 of the Empowered Practice Podcast, and even more excited to share this series with you! I welcome back Holistic Health Coach, Intuitive, and Advocate for Women everywhere to FEEL GOOD in their skin, Toni Parks of Parks Holistic Health. Toni and I are honored (and having SO MUCH FUN) serving as guides through this series that intends to welcome you back to your body, your CYCLES, your unique INNER RHYTHM. In this episode we share our own period stories, chat about "pop culture" and media perspectives of the menstrual cycle, and begin to dive into each phase of the menstrual cycle and what we might experience physiologically and energetically! We wrap with a mantra for the week as well as some homework if you're ready to DIVE IN <3 Big Love, I can't wait to share this gift with you! Jadi

  • All About Essential Oils (They're more than a nice smell!) with Meg Doll

    24/04/2019 Duration: 46min

    Hi Everyone, I hope you enjoy this fun (and FINAL) conversation (of the season!) I had with Meg Doll (our first repeat guest on the show!) about how she eased into using Essential Oils (she thought she would just be cleaning her home with them) and how they've changed her health, work,  and life!  In this episode, Meg and I share: 1. How we started using essential oils 2. Why quality matters (make sure you are using Certified Therapeutic Grade!)  3. The emotional and mental benefits of essential oils 4. The difference between "Fragrance" and "Aroma"  Resources: ~ Books:  1. The Essential life: https://www.amazon.com/Essential-Life-Total-Wellness-Publishing/dp/1532384076 2. Emotions and Essential Oils: https://www.amazon.com/NEW-Emotions-Essential-Oils-6th/dp/0999154915/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_14_t_0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=9K9X1C5TAMXBXGGASRWS ~Websites: 1. Meg's site: https://megtherhn.com/oils/ 2. www.myessentialbusiness.com 3. www.aromatools.com 4. www.oillife.com  ~Connect

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