Empowered Practice

Season 4 Episode 19: Aries Full Moon - Using the Fire to Transform Anew



Hello Beloved EPs, Toni and I are honored to be your guides through this Full Moon Circle. Please set your space, make it feel nurturing and cozy, grab the tools that are calling to you, and settle in with us.  Here's what we'll cover: Intro Ground + Center Full Moon in Aries: gives us that push, that extra boost of confidence, courage, strength Fire= transformation, purification, phoenix rising from the ashes - where is life trying to transform and reveal an even more expanded version of you? BOUNDARIES Allowing yourself to CHANGE - it doesn’t make you flaky or a hypocrite - it means you are self aware You don’t have to sacrifice your joy to stay in something How will you resource your Inner Warrior? Internal Family Systems and naming your voices and creating space from identifying with them Shadow Work- embracing what we like to keep hidden Conscious Social Media use Card pull: Promise of the Future; Concentration “the promise of (being in the) now will bring you the future that you desire” Connect wit