Empowered Practice

Season 4 Episode 17: Pisces (Harvest) Full Moon - Receive + Release



Hello Beautiful Listeners and fellow practitioners, May this Full Moon intuitive healing practice support your Highest Unfolding! Included: Set your space Ground + Center Pisces energy = dreamy, floaty... have you noticed vivid dreams lately!? Craving FALL things? Time to ground! Toni’s Full Moon Reflection Jadi’s Full Moon Reflection Getting comfortable with going inward, the dream state, and the emotional realm The balancing energy of the Pisces Full Moon and Virgo Sun Redecorate your INTERIOR landscape Create the “normal” you want to experience What have you learned about yourself in 2020? Ritual: create a Spiritual bath Ask your body parts (pain) what they have to say to you Card: Nothing Will Come of This Situation - what can you let go of? what are you dragging along that you can let go? What is it time to release and let die? Share your Rituals and Practices with us! @parksholistichealth @jadiengels Use the hashtag: #empoweredpracticerituals Contact us: parksholistichealth@gmail.com; jadiengels@gmail.c