Empowered Practice

Season 4 Episode 24: Sagittarius New Moon (Solar Eclipse)!



Hello Beloved EPs, We want to lovingly welcome you into this space, take a deep breath, let your surroundings feel nourishing, and take a journey within.  Here's what we'll cover together:  Grounding + Centering “If I don’t ground and center first, I am pulling from the events of my day rather than my heart and intuition.” - Toni A breakdown of the energy of a New Moon Solar Eclipse We’re coming to the end of a LONG advanced cosmic course We’re finally shifting out of (200 years!!) of heaviness into lightness, accelerated understanding, innovation, and humanitarian focus (yay!!) Gratitude = magical formula to hold loving space around the pain “I’m not cancelling out the fact that this suffering is happening. I’m acknowledging that and honoring that - I’m not trying to bypass that or distract myself from it. AND there are also surrounding it these vibrations that lift me up and carry me through it.” - Jadi “The beauty is in the duality, the contrast” - Toni Toxic Positivity New Moon Rituals: Jadi - M