Empowered Practice

Season 4 Episode 18: Virgo New Moon - Put Down What You're Carrying



Hello Beautiful, We come to you on this Virgo New Moon with so much love, support, space holding, and resourcing. We hope you receive it fully and expand into your Infinite Self!  Here's the breakdown:  Grounding + Centering Awareness: become your own healer Convincing yourself you are worthy of self care Feeling anxious? Sleepless nights? Recognize there is a LOT going on in the world right now. You may need more rest and space to build up reserves to be a beneficial difference on the planet. Practice: dream journal Embracing pure emotional expression Releasing routines to a new and better way Sleep Hygiene tips New Moon Rituals Connect with us! Instagram: @jadiengels @parksholistichealth Questions for us? Email: jadiengels@gmail.com or parksholistichealth@gmail.com Until Next Time, Sending you So Much Love, Toni & Jadi