Empowered Practice

Season 5 Episode 1: Capricorn New Moon "I will not waste an incarnation"



Hello Beloveds, Set your sacred space, grab a cup of tea, and settle in for our FIRST new moon circle of 2021!!  Here's the rundown:  Upgrading into our authentic self to find true community Strength in Source - you are never alone Dharma: I don’t want to waste an incarnation The Great Work of your Life Stephen Cope How is Capricorn feeling for you? New moon = new fresh start new possibilities plant your intentions Trusting the process... FULLY Creating space to FEEL and to not be “ok” New moon rituals: Jadi - Ganesha Toni - bath; planting intentions ; reiki Learn about Toni’s Yoni group: @parksholistichealth ; parksholistichealth@gmail.com Book Jadi referenced: The Great Work of Your Life - Stephen Cope New Moon Circle with Radha @bhaktiyogashala @jadiengels YouTube: womxns yoga with Jadi Great Love to you, Toni + Jadi