This Endolife

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 236:18:15
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From surgery to natural therapies, This EndoLife brings you guests who are challenging chronic illnesses and mental health issues in their own unique ways, and are changing lives with their inspiring work. Hosted by Jessica Duffin of This


  • New Year Meditation for Endometriosis

    23/12/2019 Duration: 41min

    This episode is a pretty unique one. With a decade ending and a new one approaching, I have recorded a visualisation meditation to help you envision how you want to feel in 2020 and the decade ahead. The key question you will be asking yourself in this meditation is - what if you thrived with endometriosis in 2020? What would your body feel like? What would your life look like? You’ll be invited to envision what your life would be like if you did thrive and if you didn’t - and what one accessible step could you take towards this vision of the future. Make sure you have a journal to hand, a pen and an hour to really sit with this episode and go deep with this powerful meditation. If now isn’t a good time to do this meditation, save it for the New Year! Listen and subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, listen directly/download MP3 here or just listen below! My new book This EndoLife, It Starts with Breakfast: A nutrition guide & cookbook for living and thriving with endometriosis, is out to newsletter subscrib

  • Managing Endometriosis at Christmas

    19/12/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    Christmas. I’m not sure there’s any other time of year that can bring up so many complex and rich emotions and experiences. Joy, love, connection mixes with family disputes, awkwardness, and social pressure! Adding endometriosis into the mix only tends to further complicate a time that should be special. Christmas is also a time of indulgence. Inflammatory foods tend to be the main thing on the menu, and this often results in one of our worst periods come January. So what does that mean for you? Eat and worry about the impact, or not eat those delicious foods but have a more manageable period? I don’t think you have to do either - in fact, for the past five years I’ve been creating ways to feel better and still enjoy those Christmas delights. So in this episode, I’m sharing exactly how I plan to manage endometriosis at Christmas this year AND I’m sharing a free endometriosis-friendly Christmas mini-cookbook as my Xmas gift to you guys. You can download it here. Here’s what I talk about in this episode:

  • Managing Money and Dealing with Financial Struggles with Endometriosis with Michelle Manuel of Her Wealth IQ

    09/12/2019 Duration: 01h36min

    This title may seem a little odd to you - but endometriosis affects every area of a person’s life. Every area. That means finances too. In fact, my friend Vickie Williams, recently shared these stats from a worldwide study: 7,000 women across 52 countries, over 40% have given up or lost jobs due to endo, and others have gone part-time or self-employed. Women with endo lose 10.8 hours a week due to pain. Women with endo lose £5,750.72 a year due to time off sick. It’s bad enough that’s someone’s wellbeing is affected by endometriosis, and that their social life is affected too - let alone the worry of having to take time off and potentially lose money due to being unwell. And what about those of us who need to take a break from working? Or who lose their jobs because their employers don’t understand endometriosis? How do we cope with the financial implications? It’s no secret to you guys that I took a £10k pay drop to make my work life with endometriosis manageable. And although that came with

  • Living with Endometriosis: My Interview with Berrion Berry on The Feminine FLO Podcast

    02/12/2019 Duration: 01h14min

    This episode comes with a bit of a twist! In fact, it’s not technically one of my episodes. This is an interview I did with Berrion Berry on her podcast, The Feminine FLO Podcast on my experience of living with endometriosis, and what drove me to manage it naturally, and why that inspired me do the work I do through coaching, writing and podcasting. I decided to share it because on my show, I’ve tended to hold back a little on some of the science I’ve wanted to share with you as I wasn’t yet qualified, but Berri actually interviewed me the week of my final coaching exam, so I was able to fully step into my knowledge and beliefs around managing endometriosis, and I really dove into so much of it in this episode! In this episode I’m talking about: Symptoms of endometriosis Diagnosis of endometriosis Hormonal imbalances and endometriosis Hormonal therapy for endometriosis Why food should take a key role in the healing of endometriosis symptoms and management of endometriosis And lots mor

  • The Best Surgery for Endometriosis with Excision Specialist Dr Andrew Cook

    25/11/2019 Duration: 01h13min

    Dr Andrew cook is a world leading endometriosis excision specialist and best selling author whose approach to endometriosis treatment is revolutionary. I absolutely love his perspective on treating endometriosis and looking at the patient as a whole, and I believe that his work is going to change the way the medical industry addresses endometriosis surgery moving forward. Dr Andrew Cook is the founder of the Vital Health Endometriosis Center, where they take a holistic and integrative approach to healing and perform only the best surgery for endometriosis - excision. Chatting with Dr Cook was a breath of fresh air, it was incredible to hear a medical professional understand the patient’s journey and experience with endometriosis so fully, and who really bares witness to some of the appalling surgeries that are done across the world and only cause more damage. His determination and passion for revolutionising endometriosis treatment and ensuring excision is the standard is so inspiring. In this episode, we c

  • Q + A Episode: Answering Your Questions About The Endometriosis Diet

    18/11/2019 Duration: 54min

    Recently I reached out to my newsletter subscribers and asked them what questions they had about the endometriosis diet. I was met with so many questions that I couldn’t fit them all into my newsletters, so I decided to answer some of them in a Q + A episode! I didn’t even manage to get through them all, so expect another episode soon. Here are the questions I answer: Which one diet change for endometriosis do you think is the most beneficial? What are the top 3 foods to avoid with endometriosis and top 3 foods to eat more of? Is a vegan diet for endometriosis healthy? My endometriosis is worse when I eat carbohydrates. Is this in my head or a real thing? What should I eat when I feel too sick or in too much pain with endometriosis? Do you have any endometriosis diet snack recommendations for on the go or at the movies? Do you talk about the gut microbiome and endometriosis in your book?     Let's get social! Come say hello on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook or sign up to m

  • Ep 64: How To Rebalance Your Hormones with Endometriosis with Nicole Jardim

    11/11/2019 Duration: 01h23min

    Ever feel like your hormones are imbalanced when it comes to living with endometriosis? Have you noticed high oestrogen symptoms or have you heard of oestrogen dominance and it’s effects on endo? Do you find yourself experiencing bad PMS, mood swings, depression, insomnia, acne or fatigue? Whilst we’re often led to believe these are simply part and parcel of life with endometriosis, many of them are largely down to imbalanced hormones and can be reduced if not totally eliminated. In fact, as a result of working to balance my hormones, my energy is more stable, I no longer feel fatigued all the time and I actually sleep! That’s why I was SO excited to have Nicole Jardim on the podcast to talk about rebalancing your hormones with endometriosis. Nicole Jardim a.k.a The Period Girl is the hormone expert behind the Fix Your Period programmes and The Period Party Podcast and I freaking love her work. Her Fix Your Period programmes help people with periods to get to the root cause of their hormonal issues and inst

  • Ep 63: How To Get Your Life Back With Endometriosis

    04/11/2019 Duration: 28min

    In this very special episode, I’m talking about how I got my life back and how you can get your life back with endometriosis. In fact, I’m reading the first three sections of my new ebook - This EndoLife, It Starts with Breakfast. Think of this episode as an audio book! It doesn’t matter if you plan to buy the ebook or not - I want everyone to be able to heat what I’ve written in these first several pages because I hope they inspire, motivate and empower you to begin getting your life back. I know how hard it can be when you’re in endometriosis pain all the time, how hard it can be to feel tired every day, to be bloated constantly, to have multiple surgeries and try treatments that don’t seem to work. These first chapters of my book are about the options and control you do have over endometriosis, how to begin creating a path of management, from balancing your hormones to reduce inflammation, to getting a physiotherapist. Whatever it is, this episode is about empowering you to start thinking outside of the b

  • Ep 62: Eating A Plant-based Diet for Endometriosis and Hormonal Balance with Shannon Leparski

    28/10/2019 Duration: 58min

    Shannon Leparski is the plant-based women’s health expert who’s helping people to balance their hormones and manage conditions like endometriosis through good nutrition. Shannon’s new book, The Happy Hormone Guide, offers a full plant-based nutrition and lifestyle cycle syncing plan that supports every single phase of your cycle, to help readerss to have better periods and ease hormonal symptoms like PMS and brain fog. In her book, she breaks down the best foods to stock up on for the follicular, ovulatory, luteal and menstrual phases and includes recipes for each one! I eat a plant-based diet for endometriosis and over the years I’ve had questions related to endo and eating this way. Am I getting enough iron? How do I get the right amount of B vitamins? What about omega fatty acids? Shannon doesn’t just address the nutrients that plant-based eaters need, but the nutrients all us need to have good hormonal health. Even though eating a plant-based diet has been shown to reduce inflammation and eating more pl

  • Ep 61: Creating a Supplement for Endometriosis with Lauren and Catherine Lee of Semaine Health

    21/10/2019 Duration: 01h18min

    I often get asked what are the best supplements for endometriosis. I always state that what works for me, may not work for you, so I generally share information on the vitamins and herbal supplements that have been shown to help with endometriosis in studies. But there' is something I always share, which is true for the majority for us with endometriosis - reducing inflammation is one of the key components in managing endometriosis. That can be done through eating an anti-inflammatory diet, reducing stress and if appropriate, taking certain health supplements such as curcumin. I have found that using anti-inflammatory supplements have made a huge difference in reducing my endometriosis pain, specifically, ginger root powder, turmeric and magnesium. That’s why I was so excited when I heard about Semaine; a new supplement design specifically to reduce inflammation and pain for people with painful periods and endometriosis. Lauren and Catherine Lee are the incredible and literal endo sisters (well - endo twins

  • Ep 60: Going Self-Employed with Endometriosis: Why I Did It, The Highs and Lows and My Tips Two Years In

    14/10/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    Two years ago I went self-employed to help manage my endometriosis. Employment just wasn’t working for me - I had been signed off from work, I was struggling to explain the impact endometriosis was having on my mental health to my boss and in short, I simply felt unable to work. It felt like the normal 9-5 work system was just not set up for people like me. People who had low energy, whose health seemed to vary from day to day, whose needs changed hourly, whose mental health was unpredictable and vulnerable. I found myself in a very difficult and painful decision, but I made the jump and went freelance as a writer and content creator. It was a terrifying time, but also a freeing one and a decision I would never change. But that decision hasn’t come without its sacrifices. There was the pay cut, but there’s also the very unique challenges that come with being self-employed, which are often heightened by the challenges of endometriosis. I’ve spent two years navigating these - from no longer having sick pay or

  • Ep 59: How Endometriosis Support Groups Change Lives with Gretchen Decker of Everything Endo LA

    07/10/2019 Duration: 52min

    Gretchen Decker is just wonderful. She is the Holistic Health Coach behind Glow with Gretchen, contributor at Allbodies and co-founder of endometriosis support group, Everything Endo LA. Gretchen set up Everything Endo LA after discovering that she didn’t have any local support, when she was in desperate need of it. Since then, the group has grown into a safe space that supports people living with and affected by endometriosis, and the group is changing lives. In this episode, we talk about Gretchen’s incredible health transformation with endometriosis - from being in a dark place to living a life of joy and purpose, what running a support group has done for her and the people she supports and how you can start your own, get involved or attend a support group. I adore Gretchen, and I’m sure you will too! Listen and subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, listen directly/download MP3 here or just listen below! Let's get social! Come say hello on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook or sign up to my newsletter. Thi

  • Ep 58: The Impact of Endometriosis on My Social Life and How I'm Learning to Manage It

    30/09/2019 Duration: 01h03min

    Life with endometriosis isn’t always easy and it can have a huge impact on a person’s social life. In the past few years, I’ve really experienced this. Even though I’m doing well in my management of the disease, it admittedly takes a lot of work to be able to do that, and sometimes that has come at the price of my social life. But I believe that a life filled with joyful moments with the ones we love is possible with endometriosis. It just might look different from your ordinary ‘healthy’ person’s social life. So I’m currently exploring ways to expand and enrich my social life, from sending flowers to cosy nights in. I hope that this episode makes you feel lesson alone, if it feels like endometriosis is taking over your life right now, and that my story gives you some hope. Let's get social! Come say hello on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook or sign up to my newsletter. This episode is sponsored by BeYou. Soothe period cramps the natural way with these 100% natural and discreet menthol and eucalyptus oil

  • Ep 57: Raising Awareness and Creating Community for People of Colour with Endometriosis with Lauren Kornegay of ENDO Black

    23/09/2019 Duration: 01h01min

    Lauren Kornegay is the founder of ENDO Black; a safe space and community for people of colour and African Americans affected by endometriosis. After being diagnosed with endometriosis and discovering that she couldn’t find any materials or information that represented her or didn’t centre around cis white women, she decided to go out and create it for herself and the communities that have been so underrepresented. And Lauren’s work is so needed. Here are some shocking statistics about people of colour and the treatment they receive (or don’t receive) around their reproductive health (thanks to Maisie Hill for this info in her book): Black women are more likely than white women to have unnecessary surgeries such as hysterectomies. A 2012 review of endometriosis research found that only two articles were devoted to endometriosis in black women. They were published in 1975 and 1976 and found that black women with endometriosis tended to be incorrectly diagnosed with pelvic inflammatory disease - disease caus

  • Ep 56: Bladder Pain, Endometriosis and Interstitial Cystitis

    16/09/2019 Duration: 52min

    For many years, I thought I had bladder endometriosis. But after two surgeries showed that I didn’t have endometriosis on the bladder (though I did elsewhere), I had to start asking questions. Why did I feel bladder pressure all the time? Why did my bladder burn when it was full and even after emptying? Why did it feel like my bladder was never empty? Why did I have to urinate 20 plus times a day? I had assumed that the bladder frequency and urgency I was experiencing was just down to endometriosis alone, but I was mistaken. Interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome is a condition that many people with endometriosis also have. In fact, it’s been dubbed by science as the ‘evil twin’ of endometriosis - and the symptoms are so similar, you can easily mistake one for the other, when in fact you have both. As a result, I treated my endometriosis for years, reducing my painful periods and other symptoms, but found my bladder pressure, frequency, urgency and burning pain just continued to get worse It’s onl

  • Ep 55: PCOS, Blood Sugar and Endometriosis with Megan Hallett of Feasting for Hormonal Harmony

    09/09/2019 Duration: 01h50min

    Today on the podcast I‘m talking to the incredible Megan Hallett about PCOS, blood sugar and endometriosis. Megan Hallett is the co-author of The Happy Balance, which she wrote with period expert Nicole Jardim. I absolutely love this book and recommend it to everyone. The cookbook not only gives us an awesome quick stop tour of our hormones and why health foundations like sleep and stable blood sugar are so crucial, but it also includes 60 beautifully nourishing, hormone feeding and blood sugar balancing plant-based recipes. Megan is a certified Integrative Nutrition Coach, is studying at CNM to become a Nutritional Therapist and is also a food writer and recipe developer. As you can tell from the length of this interviewed, I LOVED talking to Megan and ended up getting really specific with her about the ins and outs of balancing our hormones. In this episode, we talk about her experience with PCOS, managing PCOS with blood sugar balancing, what blood sugar balance actually is and why it’s important for en

  • Ep 54: How I Exercise with Endometriosis

    02/09/2019 Duration: 30min

    First things first, I’m not a physio therapist or personal trainer, but I am someone who likes to keep healthy, so this episode is all about what I’m learning about exercise with endometriosis and how I’m working towards my fitness goals. Don’t worry if you’re in way too much to move much at all right now - save this for future reference, or speak to a pelvic floor physiotherapist about what kind of gentle movement could be right for you. Just do what works and feels right for your own body. This episode isn’t supposed to make you feel bad, it’s about sharing my experiences, the tips that are helping me and the information about exercise that made me want to add more of it to my daily life. I’ve seen some really big improvements in my health and strength since changing up my fitness routine, so I wanted to share what I’ve learnt with you! Let's get social! Come say hello on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook or sign up to my newsletter. This episode is sponsored by BeYou. Soothe period cramps the natural wa

  • Ep 53: Taking An Integrative Approach to Endometriosis with Jessica Drummond of The IWHI

    26/08/2019 Duration: 01h11min

    Jessica Drummond MPT, CCN, CHC is the founder of the Integrative Women’s Health Institute and the leader of the course I’m currently studying; Integrative Women’s Health Coaching! Jessica has over a decade of experience as a women’s and pelvic physical therapist and has studied at the University of Virginia, Emory University, The Institute of Integrative Nutrition, and Duke Integrative Medicine. Yes - this lady definitely knows what she’s talking about when it comes to women’s health, especially pelvic pain and endometriosis. Jessica’s approach to treating people with pelvic pain and endometriosis is holistic and focuses on the whole person; their lifestyle, trauma, genetics, food and even their spirituality. She takes a Functional Medicine perspective, which looks at the root causes of a condition and addresses those factors, rather than simply treating and often masking the symptoms. In this episode, Jessica and I discuss why it’s so important to have a support network when living with pelvic pain, how the

  • Ep 52: Can Gluten Affect Endometriosis?

    19/08/2019 Duration: 23min

    Can gluten affect endometriosis? It’s a topic that’s been subject to a number of debates and studies over the past few years, so I thought it was finally time to talk about it! In this episode I dive into the reasons why I went 90% gluten-free, and how I changed my diet. I talk about the changes I made, things I struggled with, what I found surprisingly easy and share my tips for reducing your gluten intake if you so wish. I also dive into what the research and what the experts are saying about the link between endometriosis, inflammation and gluten, so you can decide for yourself what sounds like the right choice for you. I hope this episode offers you some practical tools to tackle the endometriosis diet and provides you with data and professional opinions on the affects of gluten on endo. I also made a Gluten-Free Endometriosis Diet Grocery List download for you guys to accompany this episode! Download here. Let's get social! Come say hello on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook or sign up to my newslet

  • Ep 51: What is PMDD with Laura Murphy of Vicious Cycle

    12/08/2019 Duration: 01h15min

    TRIGGER WARNING: This conversation includes repeated discussions about suicidal suicidal ideations. PMDD, or premenstrual dysphoric disorder is an incredibly severe version of PMS, which can affect anyone with a period and can impact on their day-to-day lives. Like endometriosis, PMDD is often unheard of, misdiagnosed and ignored in today’s society and yet it affects 1 in 20 menstruators. Many doctors haven’t heard of PMDD, but with so many people experiencing suicidal thoughts and actions due to the condition, it’s essential that we raise awareness amongst the medical community and the public. Laura Murphy is the Director and Co-Founder of Vicious Cycle PMDD. If you’ve ever searched up anything about PMDD online, chances are, Laura’s been involved. Laura is working tirelessly to raise awareness of this invisible disease and I am certain she won’t stop until we all know exactly what it is! I love Laura Murphy. I think this woman is an absolute powerhouse and I am so in awe of her courage and resilience in t

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