This Endolife

Ep 62: Eating A Plant-based Diet for Endometriosis and Hormonal Balance with Shannon Leparski



Shannon Leparski is the plant-based women’s health expert who’s helping people to balance their hormones and manage conditions like endometriosis through good nutrition. Shannon’s new book, The Happy Hormone Guide, offers a full plant-based nutrition and lifestyle cycle syncing plan that supports every single phase of your cycle, to help readerss to have better periods and ease hormonal symptoms like PMS and brain fog. In her book, she breaks down the best foods to stock up on for the follicular, ovulatory, luteal and menstrual phases and includes recipes for each one! I eat a plant-based diet for endometriosis and over the years I’ve had questions related to endo and eating this way. Am I getting enough iron? How do I get the right amount of B vitamins? What about omega fatty acids? Shannon doesn’t just address the nutrients that plant-based eaters need, but the nutrients all us need to have good hormonal health. Even though eating a plant-based diet has been shown to reduce inflammation and eating more pl