This Endolife

Ep 64: How To Rebalance Your Hormones with Endometriosis with Nicole Jardim



Ever feel like your hormones are imbalanced when it comes to living with endometriosis? Have you noticed high oestrogen symptoms or have you heard of oestrogen dominance and it’s effects on endo? Do you find yourself experiencing bad PMS, mood swings, depression, insomnia, acne or fatigue? Whilst we’re often led to believe these are simply part and parcel of life with endometriosis, many of them are largely down to imbalanced hormones and can be reduced if not totally eliminated. In fact, as a result of working to balance my hormones, my energy is more stable, I no longer feel fatigued all the time and I actually sleep! That’s why I was SO excited to have Nicole Jardim on the podcast to talk about rebalancing your hormones with endometriosis. Nicole Jardim a.k.a The Period Girl is the hormone expert behind the Fix Your Period programmes and The Period Party Podcast and I freaking love her work. Her Fix Your Period programmes help people with periods to get to the root cause of their hormonal issues and inst