This Endolife

Ep 60: Going Self-Employed with Endometriosis: Why I Did It, The Highs and Lows and My Tips Two Years In



Two years ago I went self-employed to help manage my endometriosis. Employment just wasn’t working for me - I had been signed off from work, I was struggling to explain the impact endometriosis was having on my mental health to my boss and in short, I simply felt unable to work. It felt like the normal 9-5 work system was just not set up for people like me. People who had low energy, whose health seemed to vary from day to day, whose needs changed hourly, whose mental health was unpredictable and vulnerable. I found myself in a very difficult and painful decision, but I made the jump and went freelance as a writer and content creator. It was a terrifying time, but also a freeing one and a decision I would never change. But that decision hasn’t come without its sacrifices. There was the pay cut, but there’s also the very unique challenges that come with being self-employed, which are often heightened by the challenges of endometriosis. I’ve spent two years navigating these - from no longer having sick pay or