This Endolife

Managing Money and Dealing with Financial Struggles with Endometriosis with Michelle Manuel of Her Wealth IQ



This title may seem a little odd to you - but endometriosis affects every area of a person’s life. Every area. That means finances too. In fact, my friend Vickie Williams, recently shared these stats from a worldwide study: 7,000 women across 52 countries, over 40% have given up or lost jobs due to endo, and others have gone part-time or self-employed. Women with endo lose 10.8 hours a week due to pain. Women with endo lose £5,750.72 a year due to time off sick. It’s bad enough that’s someone’s wellbeing is affected by endometriosis, and that their social life is affected too - let alone the worry of having to take time off and potentially lose money due to being unwell. And what about those of us who need to take a break from working? Or who lose their jobs because their employers don’t understand endometriosis? How do we cope with the financial implications? It’s no secret to you guys that I took a £10k pay drop to make my work life with endometriosis manageable. And although that came with