This Endolife

Ep 54: How I Exercise with Endometriosis



First things first, I’m not a physio therapist or personal trainer, but I am someone who likes to keep healthy, so this episode is all about what I’m learning about exercise with endometriosis and how I’m working towards my fitness goals. Don’t worry if you’re in way too much to move much at all right now - save this for future reference, or speak to a pelvic floor physiotherapist about what kind of gentle movement could be right for you. Just do what works and feels right for your own body. This episode isn’t supposed to make you feel bad, it’s about sharing my experiences, the tips that are helping me and the information about exercise that made me want to add more of it to my daily life. I’ve seen some really big improvements in my health and strength since changing up my fitness routine, so I wanted to share what I’ve learnt with you! Let's get social! Come say hello on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook or sign up to my newsletter. This episode is sponsored by BeYou. Soothe period cramps the natural wa