This Endolife

Managing Endometriosis at Christmas



Christmas. I’m not sure there’s any other time of year that can bring up so many complex and rich emotions and experiences. Joy, love, connection mixes with family disputes, awkwardness, and social pressure! Adding endometriosis into the mix only tends to further complicate a time that should be special. Christmas is also a time of indulgence. Inflammatory foods tend to be the main thing on the menu, and this often results in one of our worst periods come January. So what does that mean for you? Eat and worry about the impact, or not eat those delicious foods but have a more manageable period? I don’t think you have to do either - in fact, for the past five years I’ve been creating ways to feel better and still enjoy those Christmas delights. So in this episode, I’m sharing exactly how I plan to manage endometriosis at Christmas this year AND I’m sharing a free endometriosis-friendly Christmas mini-cookbook as my Xmas gift to you guys. You can download it here. Here’s what I talk about in this episode: