Whole Guidance Podcast: Nutrition | Fitness | Happiness | Mindset | Ancestral Health | Holistic Wellness

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 22:17:06
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Holistic Health Education


  • WGP 052: Health is an Inside Job

    31/08/2016 Duration: 07min

    Heal Thy Self CLICK HERE TO DISCOVER THE BEST FOODS TO SUPPORT SELF-HEALING This may sound revolutionary But we must go back to our evolutionary history To uncover human health mysteries To discover the truth behind pain To see the pleasure that can rain Down upon your body treasure and turn sickness Around back to health to feel full of abundance And wealth to find amongst us true love That shines bright like the sun above Which moves the entire night into day And from the dark comes this spiritual haze It lifts and expands Its spiritual gaze Toward you, by you, through you, and now from you This Spirit you wonder is what's wondering you This soul you ponder is what's pondering you This energy you seek is what's seeking you This pain you bother is what's bothering you This pleasure you miss is what's missing you This life you live is what's living you And this love that you are is what is loving you Don't forget your ancestral past Their power now lives within you, it will forever last You are the product of

  • WGP 051: Your Life’s Love is Your Life’s Legacy

    18/08/2016 Duration: 11min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring Love and your Life’s Legacy: I’ll explain how your legacy is a gift to the world that just keeps on giving I’ll talk about how what you value and what you love determines the legacy you will leave behind Finally, I’ll share a simple exercise that will help you create a life worth loving and a legacy worth leaving CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS THAT WILL BRING MORE LOVE INTO YOUR LIFE A legacy is something that is given from the past and received in the present and that will most definitely change the future. There are many different types of legacies that you can leave behind after your passing. They may include tangible material things like a car, a house, money, a business, a cure, or even a child. Your legacy could also be abstract experiential things like an idea, a philosophy, a religion, a physical training program, or a procedure for dealing with grief. Now your legacy, whether it is a person, a place, or a thing, whatever it is, it will always leave

  • WGP 050: What is Love?

    03/08/2016 Duration: 18min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring Love: I’ll explain some of the ideas, the emotions, and actions of human love I’ll talk about universal love and its absolute nature Finally, I’ll give one loving practise you can use to transform any thought, word, or deed into an expression of love CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS THAT WILL BRING MORE LOVE INTO YOUR LIFE Love is a word with many many meanings. Thinking about love is not the same as feeling love and they are not the same as acting out of and being love. The ideology behind love or the way most people think about love is that it is an emotion that creates a bond and a connection between two beings. The bond between a parent and its offspring, or the bond between a plant and the soil, and even the bond between the Sun and the Earth, these connections and relationships between different forms of life can be considered love. The idea of human love usually brings up images of intimate romantic partnerships between two people. But there’s also family

  • WGP 049: Healing – What’s Love Got to Do with It?

    20/07/2016 Duration: 24min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring Healing and Love: I’ll explain the difference between conventional and natural healing methods I’ll talk about unconditional love and why it is the most important factor when it comes to healing I’ll talk about a couple of things that can stop the healing process from happening properly Finally, I’ll share a few ways you can make love your drug of choice to help you with any healing journey you may be on CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS THAT WILL BRING MORE LOVE INTO YOUR LIFE There are two main belief systems out there when it comes to healing. One is used by the conventional mainstream model and the other by more traditional natural healers. The current conventional medical model used mainly in western societies focuses on treating health symptoms and disease with medication or surgery. So they have a pill or a procedure for every illness. What conventional treatment misses is the fact that health symptoms and disease are really signs of underlying hidden mal

  • WGP 048: Obesity – It’s Your Hormones, Not the Calories

    04/07/2016 Duration: 30min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring Obesity: I’ll explain why obesity is a disease and also a major hidden cause of other diseases I’ll talk about the difference between being obese and being overweight I’ll explain how obesity is caused by hormonal imbalances and not by eating too many calories Finally, I’ll give you a few holistic lifestyle strategies to reduce obesity, regain health, and feel awesome in your own skin CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FAT BURNING FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN It’s no secret. The world today has a lot more fat and sick people than there were 150 years ago. Seeing an obese person way back in the day meant having to visit a carnival or circus that’s how rare obesity was. Unfortunately today you just got to walk outside or turn on the tele and you’ll see excessively large people everywhere. Since the 1980s obesity rates have doubled. Hmm, I wonder what happened in the 80s? Ah that’s right the low fat recommendation from the American health authorities. Good one guys. Today this m

  • WGP 047: Epigenetics – How Your Environment and Beliefs Control Your Genes

    20/06/2016 Duration: 26min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring Epigenetics: I’ll explain the difference between genetics and epigenetics I’ll talk about how your environment impacts the activation and expression of your genes Finally, I’ll give a few holistic tips on how to activate and express health-boosting and life-affirming genes CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST HEALING FOODS FOR YOUR GUT The study of how genes control life is called genetics. Genetic looks at genetic differences, mutations, heredity, and of course of lot of today’s genetic research looks into genetic diseases. Genetics and the study of genes is a very important and valid science, but the belief behind genetics is outdated old-school thinking and that belief is that genes control life. This belief came from the hypothesis that there is a gene for every protein. The more complex an organism, the more cells and proteins there are, the more genes there would be. That was the idea. This idea turns out to be incorrect. The Human Genome Project, which started back

  • WGP 046: What is Leaky Gut Syndrome and How to Heal It

    05/06/2016 Duration: 19min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring Leaky Gut Syndrome: I’ll explain how a leaky gut can lead to chronic disease I’ll talk about what causes a leaky gut Finally, I’ll give you 5 steps to healing and sealing a leaky gut CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST HEALING FOODS FOR YOUR GUT Hippocrates was an ancient Greek physician and considered the father of western medicine, although I’m sure he’d be quite upset at the current health-care system and medical model we use today, which is really a disease-care model, but anyways… Hippocrates said: “All disease begins in the gut.” And he is absolutely 100% correct and let me explain how. And by the way when I say gut I’m talking about the small and large intestines in your body. Your entire alimentary canal, your entire digestive system is one long tube that begins in your mouth hole and ends in your south hole so anything you put in your mouth and swallow is still technically outside of your body. If it gets digested and absorbed into your bloodstream then it’s ins

  • WGP 045: How it Feels to be Depressed and Suicidal and What to do About it

    22/05/2016 Duration: 31min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring Depression and Suicidal Tendencies: I’ll explain what depression is and what suicidal tendencies are including their symptoms I’ll talk about from my experience what it feels like to be depressed and to have thoughts of suicide I’ll talk about contributing factors that can cause depression and suicidal tendencies Finally, I’ll give a few tips on how you can work your way out of a depressive and suicidal black hole CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU IN BALANCE Depression is a mood disorder in which you feel extreme sadness and grief, you’re uninterested about life, and you suffer chronic mental, emotional, and physical pain. Depression affects 350 million people worldwide and that’s only an estimate. Because depression is such a difficult thing to admit to having with for fear of ridicule and looking weak or looking like a lesser person in other people’s eyes I’d say that between half a billion to a billion people suffer from some form of depression. Th

  • WGP 044: Universal Lessons in Film – Selfless-Connection

    14/05/2016 Duration: 27min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring another Universal Life Lesson found in Motion Pictures: I’ll explain how other people can act as Universal signs and lessons I’ll talk about a few movies that deliver the same universal message Finally, I’ll share how you can apply this universal teaching to your life CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN This is part 3, the final of a 3-part series I’ve been doing on universal lessons taught in film. In part 1 I talked about believing in yourself. In part 2 I talked about accepting your past and accepting who you are now. Before I get into the final set of films and life lesson I’ll talk a bit more about reading signs from the Universe. The Universe speaks to you in many ways giving you signposts in different forms, signs that tell you which direction your life should be moving toward. One of these universal signs is other people. The world is full of kind, generous, and awesome people. But the world also has many annoying, hateful, jerks. Now I woul

  • WGP 043: Universal Lessons in Film – Self-Acceptance

    07/05/2016 Duration: 27min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring another Universal Life Lesson found in Motion Pictures: I’ll explain critical Universal signs that you may be missing I’ll talk about a few movies that deliver the same universal message Finally, I’ll share how you can apply this universal teaching to your life CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN This is part two of a 3-part series I’m doing on universal lessons taught in film. In part one I talked about movies that delivered the universal message that you have everything you need to live an awesome happy and healthy life as long as you deeply whole-heartedly believe it to be true. Before I get into the next set of films and life lesson I’ll talk a bit more about reading signs from the Universe. Now when it comes to accidents, loss of a loved one, heartbreak, sickness and chronic illness, these can be very painful experiences indeed, but these are also signs from the Universe. These painful events that we’ve all experienced are actually working for

  • WGP 042: Universal Lessons in Film – Self-Belief

    30/04/2016 Duration: 21min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring a Universal Life Lesson found in Motion Pictures: I’ll explain how the Universe is always teaching you and giving you signs I’ll talk about a few movies that deliver the same universal message Finally, I’ll share how you can apply this universal teaching to your life CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN The Universe – it isn’t just a gigantic void or space filled with planets, stars, galaxies, and life. It’s also the biggest school in the universe. The biggest university you could say. This university is full of lessons and learnings that have been around since the very beginning and will be around long after the end. These lessons are like laws or principles that when you follow them give you happiness and health and when you ignore them or completely disregard them you feel horrible and unhealthy. These universal lessons and messages are delivered in many different ways, an infinite number of ways in fact and the signs, they are everywhere and they

  • WGP 041: Juicing vs Blending – Which is Best for Healing?

    22/04/2016 Duration: 26min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring Juicing and Blending: I’ll explain why consuming juices and smoothies are important for happiness and health I’ll talk about the differences and the pros and cons between juicing and blending vegetables and fruits Finally, I’ll share tips on how to turn your juices and smoothies into a healing elixir CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN Everyone knows that vegetables and fruits are packed-full of phytonutrients, plant chemicals that have powerful medicinal and healing effects in your body. Plant power fuels and nourishes animal life on this planet. Without the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and immune-boosting benefits you get from consuming plant matter it becomes very difficult, but not impossible, just hard to give your body the nutritional, energetical, and informational support it needs to thrive. Unless you live in the North and South poles where you’re exposed to cold with its own unique healing powers and are consuming a lot o

  • WGP 040: Riding the Blood Sugar Roller Coaster to Hormone Hell

    14/04/2016 Duration: 23min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring how Blood Sugar Affects Your Hormones: I’ll explain how hormones control your health I’ll talk about how blood sugar levels affect your health and control your hormones Finally, I’ll share a few holistic lifestyle tips on how to control your blood sugar levels and hormones naturally CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN There is so much information old and new about health and wellness that it can be extremely frustrating sorting through what he said and what she said and what science says just to find yourself back where you began – confused. If you ever find your head spinning and your ears smoking and your brain melting and your bodymind just about to explode because of all the contradictory information out there I suggest you keep it simple by focusing on one thing and this one thing to focus on would be your hormones. Now do you know how to make a hormone? Okay that’s a setup for a bad joke so I won’t go there, but do you know what a hormone is?

  • WGP 039: 3 Words to Heal a Broken Relationship

    07/04/2016 Duration: 24min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring how to Heal Broken Relationships: I’ll explain the major reason relationships fall apart I’ll talk about why people relate so poorly to themselves and to one another I’ll explain how 3 words can heal any relationship Finally, I’ll give an exercise on how to use these 3 words to heal broken relationships in your life CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN Relationships are part of being alive. If you’re not relating you’re not living. Technically the first relationship you’re in is with your own bodymind. Your bodymind is made up of trillions of cells living in harmony with each other. This massive community of cells are in constant communication with one another and build and maintain healthy relationships with each other. From the day you’re conceived into this world to the day you will leave this world you are in constant communication with your bodymind and must build and maintain this relationship throughout your lifetime. The healthier your relat

  • WGP 038: How to Measure Your Health Without a Scale

    01/04/2016 Duration: 19min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring the Best Ways to Measure Your Health: I’ll explain why tracking your health progress is crucial to reaching your health goals I’ll talk about how your body weight is really a poor measure of health Finally, I’ll give you 5 different health tracking techniques you can use to better manage your health CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN Many people set health goals and fail to reach them, why? Two big reasons come to mind. First one is you need to know why you are doing what it is you are doing. Many people fail to reach health goals because they don’t have a big enough why, a big enough reason to push through plateaus and obstacles that will most definitely show up. Having a dream gives you that why; it gives you direction and inspiration to push through right to the end. Second big reason people fail to meet health goals is that they do not track their health progress. Just as having a dream and setting a health goal is important in that it gives yo

  • WGP 037: Are Your Health Issues Caused by Food Sensitivities?

    24/03/2016 Duration: 20min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring Food Sensitivities: I’ll explain the difference between food allergies, food intolerances, and food sensitivities I’ll talk about the many many health issues associated with food sensitivities Finally, I’ll share 5 ways you can identify foods your body is most sensitive to CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN Most people have heard about food allergies, like a peanut allergy and food intolerances, like lactose intolerance. But not many people know about food sensitivities. Let me explain the difference between the three of these. Now a food allergy is a dramatic and immediate reaction by your body’s immune system to a particular food that you’ve eaten. Allergic reactions include immediate swelling and itchiness and also anaphylactic shock which can be fatal. The top eight allergenic foods are: Peanuts Tree nuts Wheat Shellfish Soy Milk Eggs and Fish   Food intolerance on the other hand is a more subtle, minor delayed reaction. We’re talking a

  • WGP 036: Greed – How Intense Desire Creates Suffering

    16/03/2016 Duration: 20min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring Greed: I’ll explain how greed can be a good thing I’ll talk about where this wanting and grasping and craving for more comes from I’ll explain the link between greed and unhealthy attachments I’ll talk about how greed creates dissatisfaction through expectation Finally, I’ll share a few strategies on how to manage yourself when it comes to greed and your desires CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN Greed is defined as an intense or excessive desire for more. Looking at greed from an evolutionary lens, our ancestors lived in times of both abundance and scarcity and greed comes in very handy in those scarce moments. When traditional cultures did not have enough food put aside for the winter or had their villages wiped out by natural disasters or disease these are times when you need to have a very intense desire to survive as your life depends on it. Coming back to today to modern times where if you’re fortunate enough to be listening to this podcast

  • WGP 035: The Dark Side to Plant Nutrition – Anti-nutrients

    09/03/2016 Duration: 19min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring Food Anti-Nutrients: I’ll explain what anti-nutrients are I’ll talk about how anti-nutrients affect your body and how they affect the absorption of other nutrients I’ll list foods that are thought to be extremely nutritious, but really are extremely anti-nutritious Finally, I’ll share how to best prepare foods to lower their anti-nutrient content CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN Everyone knows what a nutrient is – a substance that nourishes the mind, body, and soul. But have you heard of anti-nutrients? Anti-nutrients are plant compounds that prevent you, the plant predator, from stealing or absorbing nutrients from the plant. Believe it or not plants and other living creatures were not put on this planet for the sole purpose of feeding the human race. Plants are sentient life forms, like you and me. They have their own life purpose with the dream of the continuation of their own species and since they don’t have legs to run away or claws to fig

  • WGP 034: The Truth About Cancer – Misperception

    02/03/2016 Duration: 30min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring the light side to Cancer: I’ll explain how there’s always a flip side to every situation I’ll talk about 3 negative sides to cancer that can be turned into positives Finally, I’ll give the 3 most important steps anyone dealing with cancer needs to follow before healing can begin CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN This is the final part of a 3-part series I’ve been doing on cancer. In the previous episode I talked about what cancer is: a miscommunication between your healthy and abnormal cells. I also explored many factors contributing to this miscommunication and worked out it was because we as a species are living against the natural order of things and that we’re surrounded by and participate in activities that are not allowing our community of cells to communicate effectively. I also talked about how to heal from cancer following the 7 Holistic Health Principles that bring you back in alignment with Mother Nature and the Universe. On to the fina

  • WGP 033: The Truth About Cancer – Miscommunication

    23/02/2016 Duration: 46min

    In this podcast I'll be exploring the many sides to Cancer: I’ll explain what cancer is and will show how a normal healthy cell functions compared to an abnormal cancer cell I’ll talk about how cancer causes death I’ll explain the one true cause behind cancer and the many contributing factors to this cause I’ll talk about the one true cure to cancer (hmm… interesting) Finally I’ll share natural holistic health tips that will help you heal from cancer as well as prevent cancer from growing out of balance CLICK HERE TO LEARN WHAT ARE THE BEST FOODS TO GET YOU LEAN This is part 2 of a 3-part series I’m doing on cancer. In the previous episode I spoke about the conventional wisdom of cancer and how it’s all misinformation. The truth about cancer is that you shouldn’t be afraid of it. Like any other lifestyle disease you can cure cancer naturally and I’ll be talking about that in this episode. So what is cancer? I’m going to give you 3 definitions because cancer is that big of a confused mass of information.

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