Aspergers syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects a child's ability to socialize and communicate effectively with others. Children with Aspergers syndrome typically...
"A detailed and seminal work of exceptional scholarship, "The Magian Tarok: The Origins of the Tarot in the Mithraic and Hermetic Traditions" is a unique, extraordinary, and...
Being successful in losing your weight, get a perfect shape and be healthier in your life than ever!Weight Loss Enigma is a step-by-step, paint-by-the-numbers eBook guide showing...
An obstetrician faints after he takes the baby out of hismother's belly. A young man surfs beyond the breakers,with his crutches supporting him on the board. More thana hundred...
There’s a good chance that we’ve all experienced feelings of anxiety in response to real or perceived threats at one time or another. For most people, these feelings are...
Bronchitis is something you are likely to have in your lifetime at least once. Since it usually follows a cold or other respiratory condition, most people will develop it in the...
Mental illness has been recognized in people dating back to days of Ancient Greece and Rome. A number of disturbances that were described included feelings of melancholy, hysteria...
As part of the Parkinson’s Foundation's Educational Book Series, Psychosis discusses just that: the causes, symptoms and treatments for hallucinations and delusions, as well as...
What Is Bad Breath? Bad breath is when there is an unpleasant odor that usually comes from the mouth. When people exhale, the odor comes out. Not only is it a health issue, but...
Have you ever tried a popular fitness plan or diet to lose weight or get into better shape? How did it go?Did you achieve your goals?Unfortunately, most people fail when it comes...