Coach Glass Podcast



Coach Glass Podcast is for coaches, athletes and anyone wanting to maximize their potential. The King of Rotational Power shares his training techniques, golf fitness, coaching philosophy, mental coaching, nutrition and everything else that helps you take your life to the next level! Jason Glass is Edutainment! Dream Big Over Deliver and be Undeniable! @jasonglasslab


  • CGP Ep64 Rest & Recovery

    08/04/2015 Duration: 35min

    One of the most important and most overlooked elements in a performance or training plan is rest and recovery. As soon as you bring this topic up with the athlete they either go into the “No Days Off Coach!” chant or they picture themselves sitting on the couch eating cheezies watching Netflix all day! Neither of these are an option. Active recovery, proper sleeping habits, proper nutritional support and post session supplementation with focussed mental recovery and rejuvenation techniques make up the foundation of a champion’s game plan. In this Episode we cover all these key elements and more! So put your feet up, relax and enjoy! Then get off your ass and put together your rest and recovery plan! #DreamBig #OverDeliver be #Undeniable and Cheers Everyone! Coach Glass

  • CGP Ep63 51 Shades of Grey

    01/04/2015 Duration: 37min

    Live from the Shell Houston Open! Dr.Harry Sese and I breakdown the grey area between the fitness and medical professions and how to work as a team. Stability and mobility .Traditionally medical takes care of the mobility issues and pain while the fitness focusses on stability, strength and power. But nowadays its hip to do it all! We prefer the team approach. Each member of the team needs to be able to handle the grey area between each others specialties and be able to understand each others strengths to truly deliver the best product for our clients. We also discuss social networking forums and touch on the Rory McIlroy workout video. All this and more. Got a question for the Doc? Give him a #YoSese @thegolfingdoc Thanks to @PerformBetter and @mytpi.  Listen, learn and enjoy! #DreamBig #OverDeliver and be #Undeniable. Cheers Coach Glass

  • CGP Ep62 #YOJAY Q&A

    25/03/2015 Duration: 34min

    This episode is the first of hopefully many #YOJAY Question & Answer Episodes. You ask the questions and I answer them. (I think I may have been the first person to come up with this idea!) I really like this format because it allows us to cover a variety of topics and it really makes our #Glisteners a part of the show. This weeks questions include:  Nutrition on a Budget My Fav Rotary Exercise for Juniors Bizness of Going Niche  T Spine Mobility drills And lots of talk about the Budda in da coffee.   If you want to be a part of the #YoJay shows just send me a twitter, Facebook or email from the Next Level and I will feature my favourite questions. The more questions I get the more #YoJay episodes I will create. If its a really good question we may create an entire episode dedicated to that topic. Let me hear you #Glisteners! Till next week….. #DreamBig #OverDeliver and be #UnDeniable. Coach Glass

  • CGP Ep61 Dr. Mark Smith High Intensity Interval Training

    18/03/2015 Duration: 36min

    Coming off one of the most popular episodes in 2014 “Cardio is for Suckers” we bring in the World’s #1 expert in High Intensity Interval Training! Dr. Mark Smith has researched the effects of HIIT for the past few decades and has some amazing data and insight into why this type of training is so effective! Doc Smith is an extremely active member of the TPI Fitness Advisory Board and a great friend of mine. Doc is also a noted expert on nutrition and the prevention of diseases through food and lectures and writes on the benefits of the Paleo Diet. Listen and enjoy! @PerformBetter @MyTPI @docmarksmith For the 2nd part of this podcast please visit and sign up for the NextLevel.

  • CGP Ep60 Dream Big Grow Bigger

    10/03/2015 Duration: 33min

    We strive everyday to be the best. It is ingrained in us from when we are kids. Our heroes stood against evil to save the day! Our sports heroes come through when the championship was on the line. Great leaders hold strong when the rest of us are losing faith and inspire us to stay the course till we all see the promise land. I thought this was a common belief worldwide until I came to Scandinavia to hold my first Coach Glass Mentorship outside of Vancouver. What I learnt from the people of Denmark and Sweden is it is sometimes a negative to standout in the crowd. To be the star is frowned upon. It is better to be part of the team than be a leader who takes the ball and win the MVP! This is a cultural philosophy that can best be described as by “tall poppy syndrome”. Basically; if you were to picture a field of poppies and there was one poppy that stood taller than the rest. Personally I would applaud that poppy for growing strong and reaching for the best sunlight. Other cultures would see at as that poppy t

  • CGP Ep 59 Old School Workout Meets New School Coach

    04/03/2015 Duration: 36min

    Do you ever just want to get your pump on? Do everything you know you shouldn’t and enjoy a good old fashioned body builder workout! Well I did it and man it felt good! High School workout listening to Van Halen doing diamond push ups listening to Diamond Dave! This Episode is all about this New School Coach doing an Old School Workout. After months of #BurnYourBench I thought I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t do at least one rep. I had various meat heads come by to ask if I needed a spot. I flexed my guns and said “No thanks, I got a Spot! They are called my arms!” Hahaha Seriously though it was great to go back to a public gym and watch the recreational gym culture again. When you are a gym owner you get use to your own systems, working with your athletes and you hang out with people who believe in a common philosophy. You forget that there is a huge part of the fitness population that aren’t about athletic performance and they just want to stretch out their “I Heart Mom” tattoo and create a new visible te

  • CGP Ep58 2 Most Important Exercises Ever!

    25/02/2015 Duration: 39min

    If I had a dollar for every time I am asked what is the best exercise for X or the most important thing you can do for Y I would have enough money to hire an assistant to answer stupid questions for me! So I put some serious thought to this question and thought I would share with you my answer. You know what? Screw it! Not only am I going to tell you my #1 exercise but I will  offer up my thoughts on the TWO most important exercises ever! This is a challenge. I have to have an exercises that will accomplish everything for every person. Improve your speed, power, health, sex life and improve your relationship with your in-laws. So here it is folks. This is coming off a presentation I did at the PGA Show this past January where I was presenting the 2 most important exercises for golf. The crowd was shocked and in awe of my choices. I promised the audience I would record a podcast on it and share it with all those who were not able to attend this ground breaking presentation. Some claim that this Episode may rev

  • CGP Ep57 Scott Hebert Master Coach Vol.2

    18/02/2015 Duration: 45min

    Here is part 2 of my amazing conversation with Strength Coach to the stars, Scott Hebert. Scott is one of those people that takes the science of training to the next level and every time I speak to him he delivers another nugget of information that forces me to rethink everything I do as a coach. In this episode Scott shares the ins and outs of rotational training, the use of rotational slings, how train the body for speed, and tips for the young strength coaches out there who want to make it to the bigs! Listen, learn and enjoy! #DreamBig #OverDeliver and be #Undeniable. Cheers #CoachGlass   Check out Scott at and  

  • CGP Ep56 Scott Hebert Master Strength Coach Volume 1

    11/02/2015 Duration: 46min

    Scott Hebert is a Strength Coach who has worked with Gold Medalists, Stanley Cup Champions, MLB, NLA athletes and some of the meanest MMA athletes on earth! So why have so many of you not heard of Scott? Because he's not all about that. What he is about is building champions! I had the opportunity to meet Scott early in my career and he opened up my eyes to performance training in a fashion that altered the course of my career. Years later we reconnect for a once in a lifetime conversation about the science of sport performance training, where the industry is going, what it takes to make real performance changes in your athlete and the future of training! Scott and I were having so much fun chatting and catching up we went overtime and had to break the podcast into 2 separate episodes so we could fit the 1 and 1/2 hour conversation into 2 episodes. I hope you enjoy this amazing coach that pushes me to learn more, do more and be better. Listen, learn and enjoy! #DreamBig #OverDeliver and be #Undeniable. Cheers

  • CGP Ep55 Brandon Marcello Functional Breathing

    03/02/2015 Duration: 37min

    Functional Diaphragmatic Breathing is a #HotTopic! Do you truly understand the depth of this topic or are you just inhaling the tag lines? The diaphragm is an amazing organ which not only helps us breathe but is also a massive contributor to true core strength and spinal stability. Dr. Brandon Marcello is an expert on this topic and shares how he uses instructional cues to help his athletes perform at their best! We are lucky to have the opportunity to pick his brain and have some fun discussing this and many other topics on this episode of the #CoachGlassPodcast. Brandon served as the Director of Sports Performance at Stanford where he was instrumental in turning their Varsity Athletics around by taking cutting edge science and mixing it with old school strength and conditioning. Brandon has worked with NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, PGA, WTA athletes just to name a few. Listen, learn, share and get your edumatainment fix!   Brought to you by @PerformBetter and @mytpi   Hit Brandon up on Twitter @bmarcello13 and visit

  • CGP Ep54 Pelvic Powerhouse

    28/01/2015 Duration: 32min

    I don’t care how much power you have in your legs. Triple extension up the ying yang means nothing if it isn't moving in the right direction. The Pelvis acts like the transmission on a car. It takes the energy from the engine and moves it with just the right amount of torque, speed and direction to maximize power output. The #PelvicPowerhouse has 3 key components. The Pelvic Tilt, Pelvic Rotation, and Pelvic Sidebend. When all of these movements are combined in the right order with the correct timing and speed the power of the legs can move up the chain. Rotational Power happens in the pelvis! This episode comes off the highly anticipated and wildly successful #PelvicPowerhouse video series I did with Lance Gill @lgp_inc for @Kvest3D. We hosted 3 live webinar Q&As after the release of each chapter and I thought I would offer my #Glisteners a synopsis of the topic and highlight some of the hot topics that arose! For more information on the #PelvicPowerhouse, exercise technique or performance training visit


    21/01/2015 Duration: 31min

    I had to get this off my #Chest #BURNYOURBENCHES!I posted a video on Youtube and people went ballistic! Some people are so ingrained with the caveman doctrine that they can’t give up on their precious benches and they are fighting back on Twitter and Facebook! Some have gone so far as to hiding them in their basements and burying them in their backyards to save them from the Revolution! BURN YOUR BENCHES!!! Its hard to defend yourself in 140 characters so here is my 30 minute rant where I go into detail on why I started the revolution and why you should join in our mission to abolish benches in all gyms. All I want is for athletes to get off that bench press and start to push and press with your feet on the ground! When you play your sport or walk down the street, do you need a bench to support you? No! So why do you use them in the gym? Plant your feet in the ground like an athlete and press! So join the revolution! Share, comment and most important…..BURN YOUR BENCHES!   For more information on the #BYBRevo

  • CGP Ep52 Amazing Year!

    13/01/2015 Duration: 37min

    We did it! 52 #CoachGlassPodcast episodes! Who would have thunk it? A year ago today I posted the first episode and had no idea where all this would go. A year later and I can honestly say that this is one of the most fulfilling projects I have ever taken on. I had no idea that it would be this much fun to produce a podcast and interact with the fans all around the world! I love podcasts and have listened to them for years. I finally thought why can’t I have a podcast? I travel a ton and have such amazing conversations on the road with all my friends and colleagues and I thought “what if we recorded them and shared them in a podcast?” It has now morphed and grown into something bigger than I could have ever imagined. Thanks to you all, The #Glisteners! I dedicate this episode to all my long time listeners and those of you who have been there since Episode 1. #Glistener52! In this episode I share some behind the scenes stories, reflect on past episodes, favourite guests, topics and where we will be taking the

  • CGP Ep51 Motivation Inspiration

    07/01/2015 Duration: 37min

    My mission in life is to #InspireOthersToGreatness . The problem is that with so many motivational and inspirational tweets and FaceBook posts out there your message can get lost in the noise. If you follow any strength or fitness coach on Twitter you are guaranteed to get at least 5 quotes a day that will change your life! How much inspiration do we need? I am picturing a guy laying on the couch, eating cheezes reading a quote on Twitter that says “the most import element to success is starting! #StartToday” He says to himself “that sounds pretty good! I’ll retweet that one….. ohhh look another tweet from a Kardashian!” What if he read 5 different quotes all saying the same thing? Would he ever get up off the couch? "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing--that's why we recommend it daily." --Zig Ziglar  Do we really need others to motivate us? The great Mike Ditka said” The ones that want to achieve and win Championships, motivate themselves!”  So this episode is all you n

  • CGP Ep50 Don Saladino: Trainer to the Stars

    31/12/2014 Duration: 38min

    Owner of New York’s premier training destinations, Drive 495. Don has trained everyone from professional athletes to the biggest TV and movie stars on the planet. This episode is a must listen to if you want to learn how to make it big in any market. You know what they say about NY! If you can make it there you can make it anywhere and that is exactly what Don and his brother Joe have done. Don shares his secret training techniques he uses to make the stars shine on the silver screen and how training athletes requires a different approach! This was such an enjoyable conversation for me to have with a strength coach who I admire and a business owner who we can all learn from. Listen, enjoy and comment. #DreamBig and be #Undeniable. Cheers #CoachGlass   @donsaladino

  • CGP Ep49 Christmas Special

    24/12/2014 Duration: 40min

    **Warning** This podcast has absolutely zero educational benefit for you. Edutainment minus the Education! You are so busy with buying gifts, baking, writing cards…… you don’t have time to listen to this episode! I also know that the day after Christmas you are going to be so sick and tired of Xmas this and Xmas that, there is no way you will listen to this Xmas Special. So I thought I would record an episode just for the hardcores. I share with you my thoughts on what is wrong with the modern day Christmas. How to navigate the Christmas Party without wearing a lampshade on your head and wake up with a Holiday Hangover! I also share some of my favourite moments and traditions from my childhood. Ooooh and while Im at it I might as well give you my secrets on making the perfect Coach Glass Turkey with all the trimmings! Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat! Thats Goose with 2 O’s. Merry Christmas Everybody! #CoachGlass  

  • CGP Ep48 The Golf Doc- Dr. Harry Sese

    17/12/2014 Duration: 39min

    The key to success in the golf performance industry is to surround yourself with the best professionals in the business and stay in your lane! This episode is all about Teamwork and how we use the Team concept on the PGA Tour. Our guest this week is one of my closest friends and my go to medical guy on Tour; Dr Harry Sese.  Dr. Sese has a very unique skill set and an innate ability to adapt to his environment and deliver the right intervention at the right time for the right athlete. Add to that his Ninja skills and you have a lethal weapon that can treat your hip flexor with his “People’s Elbow” and finish you off with a spinning roundhouse to the temporal process of your zygomatic bone! (Say that 3 times fast!) Dr. Sese and I discuss how each team member on the team stay in their lanes and support each other to help the player reach their potential. Harry is revolutionizing the martial arts world by designing a screening technique and educational certification program (Martial Arts Performance Coach) that d

  • CGP Ep47 Grow Young

    10/12/2014 Duration: 34min

    We mask our fear of growing old by training to stay young. It is inevitable, no matter how many deadlifts you do you will still end up……dead! How you grow old is up to you. Grow old or grow young, its your choice. Certain cultures and populations are doing it right and others set themselves up for a retirement filled with pain, dysfunction and prescriptions. My good friend and colleague Dr.Ernst Zwick says the way we are traditionally dealing with the elderly is ineffective. Its time for them to lift heavy, eat more protein and fats and focus on maintaining their daily chores and activities. If you want the full story listen to this weeks episode. #DreamBig #GrowYoung and be #Undeniable. Cheers #CoachGlass

  • CGP Ep46 FAT Shaming in the USA

    03/12/2014 Duration: 38min

    Fat Shaming! The good the bad and the ugly! For some people fat shaming works and for others it can be send them on a downward spiral that ends in more weight gain. Some people respond to the stick and some people respond to the carrot. Now before you get your Spanx in a knot, I am sharing both sides of the equation. Dive into the obesity “epidemic” and you will find polarizing opinions that are so far apart they come across as entirely different topics!  Why are we so fat as a society? Is it will power, bad eating habits, lack of exercise? I think my opinion is different than the “masses” and Im not talking about weight measure. Look at other cultures, look at our grandparents, look at our food supply and look at our Walmart shoppers. The poor are getting fatter and the rich are getting skinny. Ive been on both ends of the scale personally and share my experience of being 20lbs overweight and 20lbs underweight. Both sucked. In this episode we also talk about your body weight homeostasis and why it is so hard

  • CGP Ep45 Competition is None!

    26/11/2014 Duration: 34min

    Competition is a contest between organisms for a limited resource. The resource could be money, fame, clients, likes, retweets, or championships. In my world my competition is none. The great Eric B and Rakim once said “No time for fun, cuz I don’t play with competitors. Its only one when Im done! The competition is NONE!” You see the only competitor that you have any control over is you! Everyday you battle to do the right thing and exist in the best way possible. Problem is that most people look outside themselves and attack their competition and are blind to their own strengths and weaknesses.  One of the most profound quotes I have heard on this topic is “Blowing out someone else's candle will not make your candle burn brighter.” Competition comes from the ego. This can be a dangerous mindset if it means taking down others to create an environment that you can succeed in. We need safe havens in which you can express your competitive spirit and express your ego. That is why we have sports! You can dominate

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