Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep58 2 Most Important Exercises Ever!



If I had a dollar for every time I am asked what is the best exercise for X or the most important thing you can do for Y I would have enough money to hire an assistant to answer stupid questions for me! So I put some serious thought to this question and thought I would share with you my answer. You know what? Screw it! Not only am I going to tell you my #1 exercise but I will  offer up my thoughts on the TWO most important exercises ever! This is a challenge. I have to have an exercises that will accomplish everything for every person. Improve your speed, power, health, sex life and improve your relationship with your in-laws. So here it is folks. This is coming off a presentation I did at the PGA Show this past January where I was presenting the 2 most important exercises for golf. The crowd was shocked and in awe of my choices. I promised the audience I would record a podcast on it and share it with all those who were not able to attend this ground breaking presentation. Some claim that this Episode may rev