Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep60 Dream Big Grow Bigger



We strive everyday to be the best. It is ingrained in us from when we are kids. Our heroes stood against evil to save the day! Our sports heroes come through when the championship was on the line. Great leaders hold strong when the rest of us are losing faith and inspire us to stay the course till we all see the promise land. I thought this was a common belief worldwide until I came to Scandinavia to hold my first Coach Glass Mentorship outside of Vancouver. What I learnt from the people of Denmark and Sweden is it is sometimes a negative to standout in the crowd. To be the star is frowned upon. It is better to be part of the team than be a leader who takes the ball and win the MVP! This is a cultural philosophy that can best be described as by “tall poppy syndrome”. Basically; if you were to picture a field of poppies and there was one poppy that stood taller than the rest. Personally I would applaud that poppy for growing strong and reaching for the best sunlight. Other cultures would see at as that poppy t