Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep51 Motivation Inspiration



My mission in life is to #InspireOthersToGreatness . The problem is that with so many motivational and inspirational tweets and FaceBook posts out there your message can get lost in the noise. If you follow any strength or fitness coach on Twitter you are guaranteed to get at least 5 quotes a day that will change your life! How much inspiration do we need? I am picturing a guy laying on the couch, eating cheezes reading a quote on Twitter that says “the most import element to success is starting! #StartToday” He says to himself “that sounds pretty good! I’ll retweet that one….. ohhh look another tweet from a Kardashian!” What if he read 5 different quotes all saying the same thing? Would he ever get up off the couch? "People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing--that's why we recommend it daily." --Zig Ziglar  Do we really need others to motivate us? The great Mike Ditka said” The ones that want to achieve and win Championships, motivate themselves!”  So this episode is all you n