Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep46 FAT Shaming in the USA



Fat Shaming! The good the bad and the ugly! For some people fat shaming works and for others it can be send them on a downward spiral that ends in more weight gain. Some people respond to the stick and some people respond to the carrot. Now before you get your Spanx in a knot, I am sharing both sides of the equation. Dive into the obesity “epidemic” and you will find polarizing opinions that are so far apart they come across as entirely different topics!  Why are we so fat as a society? Is it will power, bad eating habits, lack of exercise? I think my opinion is different than the “masses” and Im not talking about weight measure. Look at other cultures, look at our grandparents, look at our food supply and look at our Walmart shoppers. The poor are getting fatter and the rich are getting skinny. Ive been on both ends of the scale personally and share my experience of being 20lbs overweight and 20lbs underweight. Both sucked. In this episode we also talk about your body weight homeostasis and why it is so hard