Coach Glass Podcast



Coach Glass Podcast is for coaches, athletes and anyone wanting to maximize their potential. The King of Rotational Power shares his training techniques, golf fitness, coaching philosophy, mental coaching, nutrition and everything else that helps you take your life to the next level! Jason Glass is Edutainment! Dream Big Over Deliver and be Undeniable! @jasonglasslab


  • CGP Ep44 Off Season Training Pt2

    19/11/2014 Duration: 39min

    Do you have off season goals? Just like last year? And the year before that and the year before that? What are you going to do different this year that is going to get you the results? Do you even know what your needs are to improve upon last seasons performance? If you don’t know then go back and listen to the CGP Ep43 Off Season Training Pt1! For those of you who have been playing along then ask yourself this question. How much time can you give me? Most say they don’t have enough time because they are too busy but they really really want to see change! “What can I do if I only have 2 hours a week to train and practice? What would the best exercise be if I just had time to do one?” I hate to say it but there is no “ Magic Pill” when it comes to performance.You need to set a schedule and stick to it. With Juniors I see the opposite! Young eager people say they can train 7 days a week. Well thats great, you do a lot of things too much when you are a teenager and although strength training won’t make you blind

  • CGP Ep43 Off Season Training Pt1

    12/11/2014 Duration: 37min

    You want an off season training program for your sport? For any sport? Long time listener Brent Wells does! So this episode we dive deep into the process of building an off season periodized program that will get real results! First place to start is to figure out what you are trying to accomplish by asking the right questions. Its not just about the right answers but more to do with asking the right questions: What are the power/strength requirements of your sport? Do you match these requirements? Time for a Needs Assessment! Choosing the right tests, screens and assessments can be the difference between success or a wasted off season. Make sure you are testing and comparing against the leaders in the sport by using the norms from your sport.  How do you test for strength and power? Is it safe for you to test your 1RM? Probably not so we need a better option!  Now you know where you sit in the needs assessment you need to determine whether or not you need strength gains or speed gains. The training program f

  • CGP Ep42 Glass&GillShow#6: Madrid Fun!

    05/11/2014 Duration: 36min

    There is a time for coaching and then there is time for fun. Can fun and coaching coexist? I always say that a perfect training session is when the athlete leaves with sweat on their brow, smile on their face and they are moving better, feeling better and performing better. Some athletes perform at their best when they are having fun. Are you a player who smiles, chats with your opponents, stays loose and enjoys the competition? If so you should train in the same emotional environment. Athletes like Allen Iverson, Djokavic, Peter Jacobson, Jerry Kelly, all have fun whether they are in competition or just at practice. Practice? Are we talking practice? Practice as you play and play as you practice! Winning and competing is no joking matter but optimizing your performance mental state and getting them to the point where they feel loose and free to compete without restrictions or boundaries is an art. For some athletes they look serious and fierce but they are having their own version of fun on the inside. Commu

  • CGP Ep41 Dynamic Scapular Stability

    29/10/2014 Duration: 31min

    So lets just say that I am wondering around the World Golf Fitness Summit and I found a magic lantern. I rub the lantern and a magic genie comes out of the bottle. “ I am the Magic hit the dam ball farther genie! I will grant you 3 wishes” Rub the genie bottle and get 3 wishes! The first 2 wishes I would take is scapular stability and pelvic stability! Your like seriously SERIOUSLY Jay? You got 3 wishes and your going to waste 2 of them on scap stab and pelvic stability? Before you get all worked and get you khakis is in a knot let me explain why!  Last summit there was a presenter talking about rotational power slings, forget his name but he was a chiseled handsome fellow in a labcoat. Well as genius as he was he was missing something. You see no matter how strong and dynamic your slings are….if they are not connected to a stable base they are useless!! In this episode we will focus on the scapula and how it works dynamically to create a stabile functional base to transfer power to the arms. Lets look at a K

  • CGP Ep40 Glass&Gill Show #5

    22/10/2014 Duration: 38min

    You asked for it and you got it! Another batch of #Edumatainment with Lance Gill @lgp_inc and yours truly. Topics include marketing, team building and so much more. You need to surround yourself with talented professionals to truly succeed in the coaching industry. How do you create a team that works? Take care of your team and take care of the people who send you referrals. Give, Give, Give, Take! It is important to give to your referral team before you take from the team. This applies to all business and personal relationships.   We also dive into the topic of content creation and using social media as a marketing tool. Everyone is either on Facebook or Twitter nowadays. Well guess what? Facebook isn’t just for checking up on your ex girlfriend from high school. It can actually help you build a brand and increase revenue in your business. Creating content can become a full time job at times! You just need to be aware of why you create content and whether or not its coming from the right place. You don’t cre

  • CGP Ep39 Big in Japan

    15/10/2014 Duration: 38min

    There are things you do in life that you need to mark as significant experiences. Tokyo was one of those experiences! Seeing a culture that is so different to the North American culture and dive into their way of life was eye opening to say the least. The fitness culture in Japan is growing and they are opening up to new ideas and westernized philosophies. Mix that with a rich heritage of recreational and cultural activities based on movement and you have a recipe for some pretty special skill sets. Japanese are hard working and fun loving people with a rich history based on respect, honour and order. All of this makes up an experience that we can all learn from and enjoy. Because this was such an amazing experience for me I decided to share my experience with you on this special edition of the #CoachGlassPodcast. Arigato and Cheers Everybody! #CoachGlass @mytpi @performbetter

  • CGP Ep38 Devun Walsh Pro Snowboarding Legend

    08/10/2014 Duration: 34min

    Devun Walsh is as one of the greatest backcountry snowboarders in the history of the sport. Jumping off 60ft cliffs is what he does for a living and he does it very well (Understatement of the day)! In this episode we talk about FEAR! You think you have fears in your life? Career?  Or a fear of pushing your personal performance boundaries to see what you are made of when the chips are on the line? Once you drop in on a 60ft jump you have to have 100% commitment and rely on 1 thing! Your confidence in your preparation and your previous successes and experiences. We draw parallels with fear of failure, first tee jitters, staying true to yourself, and hucking yourself over a road gap. Do we get less risky as we get older? Hell yeah we do! The more you have to lose the more cautious we tread. So how do you compete with people who are willing to put their health and life on the line to make their mark on this world? You stick to what you are good at and believe that quality trumps quantity and do what feels right

  • CGP Ep37 Corrective & Removing Limitations Phase

    01/10/2014 Duration: 32min

    Do you understand how to remove the physical limitations that are getting in the way of your client’s best performance? Do you even know what their limitations are? If your not screening then you are only guessing. Functional corrective exercises are different to 90% of the common exercises you see in your local gym. No sets, no reps and most importantly NO Resistance. This isn’t the time for strength training and putting some meat on that frame. Its about moving better and feeling better so your body is functioning better so you can train as hard as you want without injuring yourself. This old school coach use to train like a meat head and trust me, I was at my best once I addressed my limitations and removed them. Once I was moving better I was able to train at a new intensity and complexity that was previously not possible without compensation. This episode breaks down the concept of corrective exercises and how to use them effectively. I highly recommend you educate yourself and get TPI, FMS, SFMA certifi

  • CGP Ep36 Winners & Biggest Losers

    24/09/2014 Duration: 37min

    Everyone’s a winner baby thats no lie! But what the hell is going on with the Biggest Loser. Break all the rules! Fat shame the participants then break them  physically and mentally and provide them with horrible nutritional advise. And this is just the season premiere! I have to rant because everything we hold true in our industry is being bastardized. On one hand the show is doing great things by helping the participants lose enormous amounts of weight and inspiring others to get off the couch. On the other hand it is scaring the crap out of people who might of thought about getting off the couch and getting a trainer because they think they will be yelled at, cry, puke in a bucket and be carted off in an ambulance! I watch it like a car crash. Hand over my eyes, looking through my fingers, waiting for the next person to get spit out the back of the treadmill. So forget about being the biggest loser, what does it take to be a winner? Winning is all about getting off the couch and trying. It doesn’t have to

  • CGP Ep35 Dr. Mike Voight

    17/09/2014 Duration: 34min

    Dr. Mike Voight shares his insight on the new era of performance training. Medical and fitness professionals are learning from each other and creating this hybrid meshing of their 2 worlds. We discuss the concept of High Threshold training techniques and when it is appropriate to use them. It was great to finally get Mike in for a unique and in-depth heart to heart. Dr. Voight is a World leader and innovator when it comes to using therapeutic techniques to enhance performance. He is a co-creator of the SFMA and presents his techniques around the World at SFMA and TPI workshops. Mike and I also discuss the road to greatness and what you need to do once you reach the top! Mike is truly one of my mentors and I hope this podcast gives you a glimpse into why I hold this man in such high regard.  #DreamBig #OverDeliver and Cheers Everybody! #CoachGlass  Visit our sponsors @mytpi @performbetter  If you want more info about Mike and his philosophies and techniques visit the following: NASMI- North American Sports Med

  • CGP Ep34 Robert Yang: Nutrition & Olympic Lifting

    10/09/2014 Duration: 39min

    Robert Yang is the “The Healthiest Man on Earth” and he joins us to discuss topics ranging from nutrition to Olympic lifting and everything in between.  Hot Topics:  Why you should eat grass fed meats to get shredded and the power of Omega 3. Eat bacon for your health! Stabilizing blood sugar with fats.  Do you train hard enough to require supplementation? Best post workout meals.How to gain lean muscle mass without taking supplements.  Performing Olympic lifts in the proper order.  Why every Crossfit trainer needs to learn how to screen their athletes for Olympic  lifts.  All this and more in this long awaited episode!  Robert is on the @mytpi Fitness Advisory Board and has his own Olympic Lifting Certification course that teaches you how to screen your athlete before you have them perform the key Olympic lifts. If you have any questions for Yang hit him up on Twitter @robertyanginc and throw him a “Yo Yang!” If you want to read Robert’s great articles or see his training videos go to his website http://robe

  • CGP Ep33 The Bizness

    03/09/2014 Duration: 36min

    My top 5 tips for creating a successful business that you can truly be fulfilled in. 1. Create a philosophy that identifies you. 2. Create a community that will follow your philosophy. 3. Hire, inspire and develop your staff. 4. Create a business model you are comfortable with. 5. Create programs and packages that ensure success for the client.   In this episode I go into depth on all these business concepts and more. Its quite simple! All you need to do is take a step back and analyze whether or not you are making the income you want, inspiring others, have time with your loved ones and have personal fulfilment. If any of these areas are lacking then you are not having true success. I am the most successful strength coach in the world. It has nothing to do with how much I make, who I work with or how many clients I have. It has everything to do with how much fun I have everyday I go to “work”! Nothing is by accident. I have worked extremely hard (and still do) to create a business that I can flourish in. Wh

  • CGP Ep32 Cardio is for Suckers!

    27/08/2014 Duration: 33min

    Cardio is for Suckers! Yeah I said it. If you are using long slow cardio trying to reach your fitness goals you are getting nowhere! Kind of like running on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike….you are literally getting nowhere, spinning your wheels! In this episode we are going to share with you a better way. Sprint to your results! Get there faster! Even if you are an endurance sport athlete. You can increase your VO2 Threshold faster and higher doing High Intensity Interval Training (HIITS). Come on #LABrats! Last week you burned your bench press now you can burn your ellipticals! Who do you want to look like? A marathon runner or a sprinter. Ill take the sprinter every time. Each sport creates a stress on the body that the body needs to adapt to. One builds you up and the other breaks you down. Hormones are the key. Get more growth hormone and testosterone naturally and decrease cortisol. All this and more in an episode that is shaping up to be a #CoachGlassPodcast Classic!    #DreamBig #OverDeliver o

  • CGP Ep30 Strength Training is Overrated!

    20/08/2014 Duration: 35min

    If you are over the age of 30 and your doing bench press you should be ashamed of yourself! Unless you are a professional athlete or still playing competitive sports you should get off the bench and get on your feet. I take that back, just get on your feet regardless of who you are! Burn your benches!!!! Get grounded and get functionally strong. What are you adding more plates to the squat bar or bench for? Curls for the girls? Come on, outside of your own vanity is there really any reason to have 20 inch arms and a chest that would make Kim Kardashian blush? “Hey! These pencils won’t push themselves!” In this episode I break down why I feel like true strength training has little to offer the common man. You don’t agree? Listen, learn and react! #BurnYourBenches   #DreamBig #OverDeliver on your Dreams. #CoachGlass Visit our sponsors @mytpi @performbetter

  • CGP Ep29 Perform Better Summit 2014

    13/08/2014 Duration: 39min

    Here is my recap of what is the fitness equivalent to the Catalina Wine Mixer. The 2014 @Perform_Better Summit! All the nitty gritty rom what was one of the best PB Summits ever! The summit was a great success and I was able to spend quality time with some of my closest friends and colleagues in the fitness industry. My hands on and lecture were well received and it was great to have all the #CoachGlassPodcast fans out to see the show! In this episode I break down my thoughts from the hands on and lectures I attended including Gray Cook @graycookpt, Mark Verstegen, Brandon Marchello @bmarchello13, Greg Rose, Dan John @FakeDanJohn, Charlie Weingroff @cwagon75, Mike Boyle @bodybyboyle, Josh Henkin @joshhenkin @drmarkcheng and all the rest! I would love to write out all the great lessons and cool tips but its easier for you to just listen! Hope you enjoy. Cheers Everybody! #DreamBig #OverDeliver on your Dreams. #CoachGlass Visit our sponsors @mytpi @performbetter

  • CGP Ep28 Coaching 3 Generations of Clients

    06/08/2014 Duration: 35min

    Here is a guide to things that each age group can do to enhance their ability to move better, feel better and ultimately play better Juniors The most important thing to do with a junior is to play as many sports and give them as many movement experiences as possible. If you were to watch us working with our juniors at The Tour Performance LAB you would see them sprinting, jumping, punching, kicking, batting, throwing, spinning and rolling. What do all these things have to do with golf? Everything! Rotational sports all have the same movement patterning, power source and basic sequencing. The longest hitters on the PGA Tour all played sports like baseball, hockey, tennis and soccer. The sport skills learnt in one sport have direct transfer of sport skill to the game of golf. Adults The number one question I get asked on the Coach Glass Podcast is what is my favorite exercise. My answer is always the same. The deadlift! The deadlift is the best way to develop glute strength and lower body power. Some people fea

  • CGP Ep27 Bonus! McCabe & The Coach: Adherence

    04/08/2014 Duration: 39min

    3 Tips for Program Adherence 1) Small manageable challenges to build a foundation of success 2) Behavioural Contract 3)Ask Why? All this and a bag of chips as McCabe and Coach Glass dive deep into this #HotTopic! This episode is coming off the heels of the Glass & Gill Show on Client Compliance. Thank you to everyone who got involved in the discussion on Twitter and Facebook. This is a topic no one talks about but it is time. Are you the problem or the solution? Is your client the problem or maybe you are trying to feed your program to them through a fire hose when all they wanted was a drink of water. McCabe always delivers a layer of knowledge to these debates and during our weekly conversation I stopped and set up the mics and got the conversation on tape for all of you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Cheers Everybody! #DreamBig #OverDeliver on your Dreams. #CoachGlass Visit our sponsors @mytpi @performbetter

  • CGP Ep26 Glass&GillShow#4 Client Compliance

    30/07/2014 Duration: 34min

    Do your clients comply to your workout programs? If not is it your fault or is it your clients? Have you ever fired a client? Glass & Gill share their experiences with trouble clients and how they turned a negative into a positive. Tips on how to get your clients to comply to your program and believe in your systems. Some times you need to put the lure of money aside and do whats right for your client and your reputation. Its all about communication. It is a skill that takes years of experience and thousands of hours on the training floor, face to face with your students. You need to understand what the client wants and what the clients needs. Deliver what they need while making them feel like they are getting what they want. Its all here in what we feel is a conversation that should have been had a long time ago. It is a topic that we all deal with but most coaches don’t talk about. #CoachLikeUWantToBeCoached @jasonglasslab @lgp_inc #GlassandGillShow

  • CGP Ep25 Screening & Assessments #2

    23/07/2014 Duration: 41min

    In this episode we are continuing the conversation about screening, assessments and testing. Are you a TPI practitioner?(Sport Specific Application for rotational sports), FMS?(Asymmetries and injury prediction) or SFMA? (Orthopaedic based assessment to uncover source of dysfunction) So which one do I use? I let the screen guide me. I start with the upper tier of the SFMA and let the athletes movements and sport specific needs guide where I go and where we end up. We bring up the concept of High Threshold training and discuss power/strength and anaerobic testing. I also share a story that is guaranteed to blow your mind… and your colon! #DreamBig #OverDeliver on your Dreams. #CoachGlass Visit our sponsors @mytpi @performbetter

  • CGP Ep24 Screening, Assessments & Everything Else

    16/07/2014 Duration: 37min

    Everything that you need to know about Screening, Assessments and Tests for Function. In this Episode of the Coach Glass Podcast I will break it down for you! People always ask me if I use FMS, TPI or SFMA my athletes. My answer is YES! All of the above. It all depends on the right screen or assessment with the right athlete at the right time. @mytpi @SFMA_rehab, @FMS Its all good! Depends on what you are trying to accomplish. #DreamBig #OverDeliver on your Dreams. #CoachGlass Visit our sponsors @mytpi @performbetter

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