Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep52 Amazing Year!



We did it! 52 #CoachGlassPodcast episodes! Who would have thunk it? A year ago today I posted the first episode and had no idea where all this would go. A year later and I can honestly say that this is one of the most fulfilling projects I have ever taken on. I had no idea that it would be this much fun to produce a podcast and interact with the fans all around the world! I love podcasts and have listened to them for years. I finally thought why can’t I have a podcast? I travel a ton and have such amazing conversations on the road with all my friends and colleagues and I thought “what if we recorded them and shared them in a podcast?” It has now morphed and grown into something bigger than I could have ever imagined. Thanks to you all, The #Glisteners! I dedicate this episode to all my long time listeners and those of you who have been there since Episode 1. #Glistener52! In this episode I share some behind the scenes stories, reflect on past episodes, favourite guests, topics and where we will be taking the