Coach Glass Podcast

CGP Ep49 Christmas Special



**Warning** This podcast has absolutely zero educational benefit for you. Edutainment minus the Education! You are so busy with buying gifts, baking, writing cards…… you don’t have time to listen to this episode! I also know that the day after Christmas you are going to be so sick and tired of Xmas this and Xmas that, there is no way you will listen to this Xmas Special. So I thought I would record an episode just for the hardcores. I share with you my thoughts on what is wrong with the modern day Christmas. How to navigate the Christmas Party without wearing a lampshade on your head and wake up with a Holiday Hangover! I also share some of my favourite moments and traditions from my childhood. Ooooh and while Im at it I might as well give you my secrets on making the perfect Coach Glass Turkey with all the trimmings! Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat! Thats Goose with 2 O’s. Merry Christmas Everybody! #CoachGlass