The Cari Murphy Show

Quantum Gateways for SOUL ALCHEMY & Collective Evolution with Micheila Sheldan!



Soul alchemy is taking place right now on multiple dimensional levels. Imagine all of your timeline potentials and past history shifting through a huge time machine being equalized and integrated. This is what Micheila believes is taking place not only in our personal lives, but on the planet as well. It isn’t an easy process, but well worth the effort if we are willing to meet the rising energy differently than we have in the past.As the earth vibrates faster, we are receiving multiple opportunities to transform our reality. To usher in the fifth dimension, everything must change – our monetary system, businesses, schools, and government. The beliefs that have sustained them have shifted dramatically, causing a massive wave of energy that has been leveling hierarchies within. We are literally bearing witness right now to a vibrational change of mass proportions affecting all areas of our material lives.New earth is rising up just beneath the surface. Listen in as we talk about how we can support ourselves an