The Cari Murphy Show

Multiple Reality Selection! Don’t Wait: SELECT the OPTIMAL REALITY to EMBODY YOUR DIVINITY NOW



What kind of life do you really want to live? What quality of experiences do you wish to have? What emotions do you prefer to feel most often? What relationships would be most rewarding and fulfilling for you? What brings you the most joy and satisfaction? Are you tapping into your innate passions and letting them flow? Are you doing things and interacting in ways that cause you to smile frequently and often?We are alive to enthusiastically explore and experience life to its fullest. It’s up to us to decide the varying degrees of fulfillment available to us from day to day. That said, this is also a free will planet with an infinite number and variety of timelines, realities, decisions, reactions, responses and experiences available. We have the option and opportunity of selecting from multiple realities, and key component to remember is that we need not all experience the same reality nor are we intended to! Often times people postpone their happiness or delay their joy waiting for something or someone to be