Ontrack With Judy Warner

The Promising and Challenging Future of 3D Printed Electronics



The business development manager of J.A.M.E.S., Alexandre Schafer talks about the organization’s vision to push the Additively Manufactured Electronic technology to become more accessible to the industry.   Show Highlights: What is J.A.M.E.S. and how did Alexandre become involved in the organization? J.A.M.E.S (Jetted Additively Manufactured Electronic Sources) is an online community of professionals, stake holder, manufacturers who share the same vision of accelerating the AME technology Alexadre’s AHA moment was seeing a drone’s PCB created through AME process The current technology readiness level is currently between experimental and demonstration pilot phase Introducing new technology to the industry has it’s challenges: Influencing engineers’ mindset Which design tool to use? In an ideal world a tool with both ECAD and MCAD design capabilities is necessary–a fully working 3D auto router will be amazing Design standards are inexistent at the moment On another note, the lack of design standards opens