Steele & Drex

The Full Show: Reacting to protests outside of a Vancouver hospital, the Jas Johal Political Panel and the dangers of comparing vaccine passports to the Holocaust



Outrage continues after Wednesday’s protests at hospitals Reaction from Troy Clifford, Provincial President at Ambulance Paramedics and Dispatchers of B.C. on yesterday's protests  Here’s why the cost of your grocery bills is going up Why is your grocery bill going up? Sylvain Charlebois, Professor in Food Distribution and Policy at Dalhousie University explains.  The Jas Johal Show Political panel Federal election, vaccine passports and more Guest - Mario Canseco, President of the Research Co. polling company Guest - Katy Merrifield, Vice-President of Wellington Advocacy, and Former Communications Director for Premiers Jason Kenney and Christy Clark  Stanley Park wasn’t shut down for murderers, so it shouldn’t be for coyotes either, councillor argues A Vancouver City Councillor reacts to the Stanley Park coyote attacks  Guest - Melissa de Genova, Vancouver City Councillor Vaccine passports ‘intensify discriminations against already marginalized groups’, advocates say Guest - Ingrid Mendez, Execut