Happiness Hacks

Episode 131: The Surprising Connection Between Avoidance and Anxiety



Let me check Instagram one more time.  Maybe I got an email? I haven’t checked for 10 minutes.  My glass of what is almost empty. Let me go downstairs for a refill. Stretching would be good right now, anyway.  Well, that break took a lot longer than I had planned. I got sucked into pulling some weeds while talking to my husband and then decided to make a snack.  Oh geez, I forgot to actually refill my glass.  Okay. Back at my desk. Before I start writing, let me check Instagram one more time. Anything new in my inbox? This was me trying to write this podcast episode–avoiding and procrastinating. For me, this is all part of the process.  All this month we have been talking about avoidance and anxiety. We talked with Jaquette Timmons about avoidance and money, Erica Drewry about our relationship with food, Bailey Parnell about social media, and Andrea Owen about avoidance, anxiety, addiction.  Today I want to wrap the month up and talk about the connection between avoidance and High Functioning Anxiety and give