More Geek Than Gay

Episode 25, The Trilogy - Maybe it was all a Dream- a Tommy Wiseau Production



Quick!  Place your bets on how long it takes before I stop the recording for a bathroom break!Anyway, this episode is proof that joseph and I am need to get more sleep.  I cna't even guess how many things we ended up talking about.  I don't think there is a subject that reached its natural end - new subjects just pop up in their place.  And I did a horrible job of monitoring the sound; unlike what I say in the intro, it was more than just Karen's mike.  And that overlap at the beginning was pure my bad.So what do we talk about?      -- Charity Money and No Cake (it was a lie, I tells ya)     -- The Joys of Apartment Hunting     -- Ex Drama     -- Unspoken Announcements     -- The Doctor Who/AbFab Connection     -- Mutant Disco Diva, Dazzler     -- Comic Book Book Club     -- Unbridled Love of Xanadu, and its Unrequested Unfilmed Sequel     -- Superman Shaky-Cam     -- And so much More!Thank you all for your support.  We are steadily growing every week!  Tell all your friends and we can grow into a mighty migh