Jesse Lee Peterson Radio Show

1982; Single Motherhood; BASED Construction Worker; UFO in NYC?; Hating Mama | JLP SHOW (4/26/24)



TOPIC: (4/26/24), FRI, 1982 Special Report: Single Mothers Clips from 1982 Documentary about single motherhood, CAROLINE IOWA: "I have a suicidal sister, advice?", SHAE AR: "son is having issues", HAKE NEWS Caller: "you think Trump is like Jesus?" TY LA: "you think Trump is like Jesus?", TJ SC: "I keep falling into weed and alcohol", L PA: "situation with father, advice?", SUPERCHATS, HAKE NEWS More on Single Motherhood, UFOs in NYC? Single mother Karen and Jonathan, UFOs in NYC?, Best soundbite ever!, DEREK: "comment on Juneteenth", DANIEL CA: "biblical question", JOSH TX: "living close to mother is hell, advice?", SUPERCHATS,