Kelley Drye Full Spectrum

FCC Open Meeting Recap: March 2023 Part 1



On today’s episode of the Full Spectrum podcast, attorneys from Kelley Drye’s Communications practice highlight items from the FCC’s March 16th Open Meeting. First, partner Hank Kelly discusses (0:00:58) the FCC’s adoption of a Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that addresses a gap in the STIR/SHAKEN caller ID authentication regime, expands robocall mitigation requirements for all providers, adopts more robust enforcement tools, and seeks comment on additional steps to further enhance the effectiveness of the STIR/SHAKEN framework. Hank Kelly also addresses (0:09:33) the FCC’s adoption of a Report and Order requiring providers to block texts purporting to be from numbers on a reasonable Do-Not-Originate list and requiring a single point of contact for text message blocking complaints, as well as its request for comments on additional proposals to require further blocking of illegal robotexts, expand Do-Not-Call protections to robotexts, and protect consumers from getting robotexts a