A memoir, following the true story of Wendy Wilkins as she joins the police force, a naive twenty-year-old cop in Melbourne, Australia, and discovers many firsts, her first...
Sue has been living with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) since 1985. In this very personal audiobook, she explores how MS has affected her, physically and mentally, and provides valuable...
Me, My Selfie & Eye is a timely, relevant book intently written to connect, console and encourage those in the midst of midlife identity confusion. This book is a practical...
The Beatles, the most famous rock group in the world, continue to entertain, inspire, and even educate listeners to this very day. Here is their story as told by the people who...
Meher Baba, took up his avataric duties early in 1922 after seven years of intense work with the five Perfect Masters of the time. Hazrat Babajan of Poona, initiated his spiritual...
Cuando comencé a escribir este libro, solo pretendía contar la historia de una muchacha que nació en medio de adversidades y llegó a ser la primera mujer presidenta de un...
What if I don’t accept my extra weight? What if it doesn’t depend on the body type in vogue this year? What if it doesn’t relate to my life as a single? What if it’s just...
*PLEASE NOTE: This concise summary is unofficial and is not authorized, approved, licensed, or endorsed by the original book's publisher or author.*Short on time? Or maybe...
In the early 1970s, Swami Kriyananda asked Asha to start taking notes for the book he knew she would someday write. He explained himself to her in a way he did to only a few...
The Brave Japanese is the autobiographical account of an Australian who fought against the Japanese in the desperate struggle to save Malaysia. Ken Harrison’s experiences as a...