This highly illustrated fantasy middle grade series follows the only human kid at Dungeoneer Academy, a school for future explorers in the land of Eem. Perfect for fans of...
Calvin and friends have found a new ally in Fogu. With Fogu’s help, there is a greater chance at capturing the evil Wardens, Tera and Kalo.Tera and Kalo have been trouble from...
Harry is a shy, bullied little dog. In a dream, he meets some friendly animals who teach him useful bully-blocking skills. Mia the meerkat tells him the best ways to respond to...
From the New York Times bestselling coauthor of Five Feet Apart and She Gets the Girl comes a fresh and inventive sapphic romantic comedy...
In the village of Tromble lives woodland creatures who wield magic capable of banishing nightmares. Amongst them are the soft brown bear, Paddy WickWack, and his best friend,...
The circus comes to Munchytown, and the Munchy Bunch gang can't wait to go! But when the clowns put Chompy in their cannon stunt, his fear of clowns and Candybar's sneaky antics...
Little Puddings Bedtime Stories for KidsThere is something about dinosaurs that just fascinates children. Even though they are supposed to be scary beasts, little boys and girls...
This story happens in a world of fiction, fantasy and adventure, where every child has or has felt like going someday. Isabela and her cousins invite everyone to travel on this...
Mariane will live an unforgettable adventure in the magical world of dolls with her Loli doll.Mariane could see dolls made of gold, silver and cotton and kept each one inside her...
The prophecy came true. I lost my friends, my family, my home. Steve took everything away from me…… but I’m not going to let him get away with this. Steve is an evil serial...