Be Bold Begin



A podcast about how to turn fears of getting started into being in love with the process. How? By providing you with easy exercises and activities you can do right away as a small step towards your bigger goal all while being supported through the process of getting started and taking risks by Christina Barsi a podcast producer,consultant and Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coach. You also get a bonus "Weekly Tip" each week just to keep you in a positive and ignited mindset.


  • Five Step Flow Through Imposter Syndrome Episode 36

    20/10/2020 Duration: 16min

    What is Imposter Syndrome? Well, if you've ever felt like you don't deserve the accomplishments you've created or that everyone is doing "it" better than you...then you may have experienced it. And the truth is basically everyone has at least at once in their life. So don't worry, you're normal. We have a 5-step exercise that we flow through in this episode to move through Imposter Syndrome.  You can download both the FEAR exercise featured in Episode 32 Using Fear Positively and the Five-Step Flow Through Imposter Syndrome at the same time HERE For more support, join our Facebook Group designated to this podcast also called Be Bold Begin.  Stay safe and healthy out there. We’re going to get through this together.  Don’t forget to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts so as not to miss an episode.  *Sharing this podcast with another person is a great way to help someone who is feeling overwhelm, anxiety, or fear right now. You can also follow me on Instagram @thebarsi or on Twitter @cbarsi1 for more positi

  • GUIDED MEDITATION: You Are A Powerful Being

    22/09/2020 Duration: 21min

    We often don't have time or feel comfortable just "being'. It has loads of connotations attached to it like being "lazy" or not being productive and therefore not being of worth or value. But the truth is we find ourselves in those spaces and crevasses when we sit still and just "be". It often helps when someone else can gently hold that space for you, like this guided meditation. Use it as a tool to find a few minutes of quiet and stillness...and maybe a little more peace than usual.  For more support, join our Facebook Group designated to this podcast also called Be Bold Begin.  Stay safe and healthy out there. We’re going to get through this together.  Don’t forget to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts so as not to miss an episode.  *Sharing this podcast with another person is a great way to help someone who is feeling overwhelm, anxiety, or fear right now. You can also follow me on Instagram @thebarsi or on Twitter @cbarsi1 for more positivity and podcast goings-ons. Visit our company website www.av

  • Fun Foundations: Out-of-the-Box Breaks Tip #4

    14/09/2020 Duration: 06min

    This tip is a twist on "taking a break". How to make breaks more joyful and pack in the benefits of break time.  For more support, join our Facebook Group designated to this podcast also called Be Bold Begin.  Stay safe and healthy out there. We’re going to get through this together.  Don’t forget to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts so as not to miss an episode.  *Sharing this podcast with another person is a great way to help someone who is feeling overwhelm, anxiety, or fear right now. You can also follow me on Instagram @thebarsi or on Twitter @cbarsi1 for more positivity and podcast goings-ons. Visit our company website or to create your login to get your FREE Podcasting From Abundance Course that includes lots of worksheets to accompany the exercises. This course also comes with a private Facebook Group for more support. Or visit us if you have a podcast idea or need some podcast related services! :) I'll see you on the other side.

  • Fun Foundations: Resources...? What Resources? Tip #3

    07/09/2020 Duration: 04min

    Resources can be anything. They can be a person you know, a piece of equipment you need or can use, your available time...anything. Take a look around and see what you already have and allow it to influence your process. You may notice you have a lot already to facilitate what you need if you're a little creative with it. It can also give you the parameters for your project. If you're limited on time then try and create a structure that facilitates that. If your resource is money, then pay someone to do the task that is holding you back from beginning.  Get the idea?  For more support, join our Facebook Group designated to this podcast also called Be Bold Begin.  Stay safe and healthy out there. We’re going to get through this together.  Don’t forget to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts so as not to miss an episode.  *Sharing this podcast with another person is a great way to help someone who is feeling overwhelm, anxiety, or fear right now. You can also follow me on Instagram @thebarsi or on Twitter @

  • Fun Foundations: Find Time to F$%king Chill! Tip #2

    31/08/2020 Duration: 05min

    Chill out guys! Seriously, though...taking breaks can change the game in how you approach your work once you get back to it. Taking time to recharge can only help you bring your biggest game to the table when you are actively engaging. When I'm alone with my thoughts beach side for example, it gives me space to have new and better ideas. It's GREAT for our creativity! For more support, join our Facebook Group designated to this podcast also called Be Bold Begin.  Stay safe and healthy out there. We’re going to get through this together.  Don’t forget to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts so as not to miss an episode.  *Sharing this podcast with another person is a great way to help someone who is feeling overwhelm, anxiety, or fear right now. You can also follow me on Instagram @thebarsi or on Twitter @cbarsi1 for more positivity and podcast goings-ons. Visit our company website or to create your login to get your FREE Podcasting From Abundance Course that includ

  • Fun Foundations: That F$%king Voice In Your Head! Tip #1

    24/08/2020 Duration: 07min

    We introduce the idea of being in a place of curiosity with yourself. Start paying attention to the things that you say to yourself. What kind of self-talk do you engage in? How negative or positive are you with yourself?  Extra credit if you keep a journal or notes about what you learn!! For more support, join our Facebook Group designated to this podcast also called Be Bold Begin.  Stay safe and healthy out there. We’re going to get through this together.  Don’t forget to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts so as not to miss an episode.  *Sharing this podcast with another person is a great way to help someone who is feeling overwhelm, anxiety, or fear right now. You can also follow me on Instagram @thebarsi or on Twitter @cbarsi1 for more positivity and podcast goings-ons. Visit our company website or to create your login to get your FREE Podcasting From Abundance Course that includes lots of worksheets to accompany the exercises. This course also comes with a p

  • Thank You For Sticking With Me: Break Announcement + What's Coming Up Next!

    18/08/2020 Duration: 07min

    I've had so much fun this Season adding interviews to our format and covering new and fresh topics in the creative health space. I couldn't do it without YOU and am so grateful to have you as part of my journey!  We will be taking a little break with new episodes set to launch Sept. 7th! Stay tuned for some bonus episodes coming your way in the meantime! For more support, join our Facebook Group designated to this podcast also called Be Bold Begin.  Stay safe and healthy out there. We’re going to get through this together.  Don’t forget to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts so as not to miss an episode.  *Sharing this podcast with another person is a great way to help someone who is feeling overwhelm, anxiety, or fear right now. You can also follow me on Instagram @thebarsi or on Twitter @cbarsi1 for more positivity and podcast goings-ons. Visit our company website or to create your login to get your FREE Podcasting From Abundance Course that includes lots of wor

  • Presenting Hack My Business: The Value Of Creativity Episode 35

    27/07/2020 Duration: 29min

    Today we have something a little different for you. I was on a podcast recently called Hack My Business, the hosts are Jesse Torres and Sid Voorakkara, And Jesse is actually a client of mine and I executive produce and consult for the podcast and they had me on originally to talk about overwhelm but that conversation quickly turned creative. Listen in to our conversation about how creativity can fuel your business and your life whether you are an artist or not. Enjoy.  Subscribe to Hack My Business Check out their website: For more support, join our Facebook Group designated to this podcast also called Be Bold Begin.  Stay safe and healthy out there. We’re going to get through this together.  Don’t forget to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts so as not to miss an episode. Due to the unusual circumstances our release schedule will not be set to a specific day currently, so the best way to ensure you get all the new episodes is by subscribing. *Sharing this podcast with an

  • Brandon Wade of Pay It Forward: The Road To Authenticity Episode 34

    20/07/2020 Duration: 46min

    Brandon Wade created Pay It Forward to have a platform that speaks positivity into the world. But in realizing through the loss of his father that there was more to be said, he began the journey of seeking what it means to be truly authentic.  More From Brandon Wade: Listen to the podcast Pay It Forward Radio Support his show here Instagram: @Payitforwardradio Check out the Non-Religious Prayer Line, 10pm to 11pm Monday to Friday and Sunday morning at 11am pacific / 2 pm eastern. Meeting ID: 795 3471 7147 Meeting Password: 9rDMde   For more support, join our Facebook Group designated to this podcast also called Be Bold Begin.  Stay safe and healthy out there. We’re going to get through this together.  Don’t forget to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts so as not to miss an episode. Due to the unusual circumstances our release schedule will not be set to a specific day currently, so the best way to ensure you get all the new episodes is by subscribing. *Sharing this podcast with another person is a gre

  • Unearthing Your Superpowers: The Process Of Awareness Episode 33

    06/07/2020 Duration: 25min

    The way we talk to ourselves can determine how we feel about a lot of things. First and foremost, it reveals what we really think about ourselves.   The first time it was introduced to me to take notice of the self-talk that ran through my mind non-stop was a suggestion that was super revealing. Not only did it feel weird to begin doing it at first but the words that were on repeat in my mind and then also often out loud was ...shockingly negative.   We all have things that come easy to us that are difficult for others. And often those are the things we value the least. BECAUSE they’re easy. We don’t think about how we do them, it just happens, it just comes out of us, almost like magic.....but see, that is what magic is. The stuff that feels amazing while we also get to grow and elevate our lives with it and the lives of others.   Those are our super-powers!!! We just need to believe in them as much as others do. But that’s not always easy, it’s hard to even notice them sometimes. So that is where the aware

  • Using Our Fear Positively Episode 32

    29/06/2020 Duration: 12min

    We all have fears. Its part of our brain-makeup and is there to keep us alive (<-insert gratitude here). But the nature of the world we live in now, generally speaking, is anxiety inducing and our fears can fall short of what feels like a trait to be grateful for and can act more as a hinderance. Frankly, we'd rather it just go away never to bother us again.  Well, fear is here to stay and that is actually okay. We can find ways to work with it, transform it into a positive process and sometimes the adversity it brings can even change our lives for the better.  ***The Fear Exercise in this episode is deep and should be done with the lots of self-care and kindness. Please be gentle with yourself. Take inventory of how you feel and try to make space to acknowledge that those feelings (any and all of those feelings) are valid, normal and okay and you don't have to do anything about them. Allow them to be and to move through you with love. More support directly from myself & the Be Bold Begin community for

  • Jill Badonsky Of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching: The Magic Of Being Curious & Asking Questions Episode 31

    22/06/2020 Duration: 53min

    The tools and tips expressed through out this podcast are largely based in my certification in Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching. Today we get to hear from the originator and founder of the program, Jill Badonsky who discusses with us the importance of self-kindness, staying curious and the power of asking questions. This episode is packed with foundational tools that you can take with you and apply to your everyday practice and process. Jill Badonsky, M.Ed. is the founder of Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching™, author/illustrator of The Nine Modern Day Muses, and The Awe-manac: A Daily Dose of Wonder, and The Muse is In: An Owner's Manual to Your Creativity. Jill designed and implemented Kaizen-Muse Creativity Coaching training based on 30 years experience in creative wellness, instructional design, creative consultation with national magazines, national workshop tours as well as her own experience overcoming blocks as a writer, multi-media artist, playwright, award-winning inspirational humorist, yoga teacher, a

  • Coach Troy Byer Of Mindology Fitness: Your Body Knows Everything Episode 30

    01/06/2020 Duration: 40min

    Our guest Coach Troy Byer, joins us to talk about the tools and techniques she has developed within her program Mindology Fitness. A science-based methodology designed to use the tools we are already equipped with to master our own emotions and therefore design a life a of peace and joy.  Coach Troy Byer is a best-selling published author, a certified industrial-organizational psychologist, she holds a master’s degree in depth psychology and recently completed a doctorate degree in clinical psychology. Coach Troy has coached and led workshops for thousands of people around the world, including working as a transformational seminar leader on behalf of one of the largest organizations in the world focusing on personal and professional growth and development. Coach Troy spent a good deal of her life as an actress and director, appearing on Sesame Street at age 4, had a starring role on the television show Dynasty in the 1980’s and went on to write and direct films for major Hollywood Studios such as Warner Broth

  • Letting Go With Gratitude Episode 29

    26/05/2020 Duration: 16min

    If you're like me, your overwhelm can get the best of you...and if you also create obligations that only YOU are aware of or care if you complete then you are DEFINITELY like me or at least you are in this case. Join me as I talk about letting go of those self-created obligations that cease to serve their purpose and walking away from them with a reflection of gratitude. What did you gain? I bet it was more than you thought even if the experience didn't look the way you'd hoped. See, I'm a recovering perfectionist and it decided to find it's way into my work recently but I won in the end! Listen for a few tips that might help.  Other episodes with tools on this topic: The Key To Accessing Positive Energy Is Gratitude Tip#5 How Tapping Into The Essence Of What You Have Will Bring What You Desire Tip#13 Inner Gratitude Is Powerful Episode 15 Permission To Rest Tip #16 Heal Your Overwhelm With Small Steps Tip #18 For more support, join our Facebook Group designated to this podcast also called Be Bold Begin.  Sta

  • KylEast Singer, Songwriter: An Artist’s Journey With An Eating Disorder Episode 28

    18/05/2020 Duration: 57min

    Today we have a special episode that features a very special guest that talks with me about a difficult and important topic.  To go even deeper into how triggers might be affecting us, I wanted to open up the conversation to specifically include those of you who might be struggling with an addiction or are in a recovery process, which brings an extra layer to managing and coping during quarantine. So I brought on a guest who will share her experience with you about her journey with having an eating disorder.  She is KylEast, a powerful singer songwriter who just released her new single CHAINS. Stay tuned to the end of this episode to be able to listen to the song in it’s entirety. A recent review of the song by All Ashore explains the theme really well: “[KylEast] tackles body dysmorphia and anorexia in another industrial, synth-laden gut punch. Her words begin as hushed lamentations before leaping into a full rage against the commodification of self, spitting such condemnations as “Here she is / Your worthle

  • Credit Reports: YOU ARE ENOUGH! Tip #22

    07/05/2020 Duration: 09min

    This quick tool can help with being in the moment and energy of where you are and knowing that wherever that enough. It raises awareness and makes space for more observation, gratitude and enough-ness!  For more support, join our Facebook Group designated to this podcast also called Be Bold Begin.  Stay safe and healthy out there. We’re going to get through this together.  Don’t forget to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts so as not to miss an episode. Due to the unusual circumstances our release schedule will not be set to a specific day currently, so the best way to ensure you get all the new episodes is by subscribing. *Sharing this podcast with another person is a great way to help someone who is feeling overwhelm, anxiety, or fear right now. You can also follow me on Instagram @thebarsi or on Twitter @cbarsi1 for more positivity and podcast goings-ons. Visit our company website or to create your login to get your FREE Podcasting From Abundance Course

  • Keeping Comparison At Bay Episode 27

    05/05/2020 Duration: 17min

    "Comparison", meaning comparing ourselves to others, is coming up for a lot of us as we are faced with the onslaught and surge of (somehow) even MORE social media. With the extra time on many people’s hands during quarantine more of us are on social media flexing our cooking skills, our workout wins, our Tik Tok dance moves and the many celebrities going live constantly that it actually broke Intsagram (don’t quote me on that one). In addition to all the doom and gloom from the news, where are we to turn to feel normal?  If you’re feeling triggered right now by any of this or something else entirely we lay out some small steps you can take to raise awareness for yourself in order to create the right game plan to best support the part of the process YOU are in.  Here are some supporting episodes from Season 1: Permission To Rest Tip #16 Heal Your Overwhelm With Small Steps Tip #18 For more support, join our Facebook Group designated to this podcast also called Be Bold Begin.  Stay safe and healthy out there.

  • How To Make Space For Other's Process Episode 26

    20/04/2020 Duration: 13min

    We talk about our own process and how to lean into ourselves all the time here but how do we cope with this very unique situation where so much of the entire world is experiencing the same strain & stress and being faced with the fear and uncertainty that comes with it? If someone in your life is disappointing you right now or you're having a hard time understanding each other's experience and process during this difficult time you can try adding a small practice to help you shift into compassion and out of stress and concern.  Small Questions: Small questions are designed for the subconscious and do not have to be answered, only asked. Sometimes an answer comes and sometimes a feeling comes or an epiphany and a shift and sometimes those things don’t arise until we’ve practiced the small question many times. Much like affirmations you can ask it daily or more than that or whenever the situation calls for it as a practice. Try feeling into the intention of it for just a few moments and then let it go and m

  • How To Feel Okay During A Shitty Time Episode 25

    13/04/2020 Duration: 26min

    We explore how a process can help you not only feel more grounded and less overwhelmed but also how a process can literally help you mentally “process” a difficult time or situation. Below are some steps to begin to make space for and create a process. Some general steps to try (more detail to these are discussed in the episode): 1.Allow space and permission to feel the feelings 2. Consider adding boundaries to your process 3.Next find small, easy ways to add structure to your day to day that come from your authentic self 4. Consider reframing things you dread into things that feel a little easier and invite gratitude in 5. What small activities do you do that remind you of you the most Boundaries: Begin to pay attention to how you’re feeling when exposed to certain things or when you choose to take a mental break from things such as the news. You can create a process for this too based on observing and checking in with yourself and create some limitations and boundaries around how much energy you put toward

  • Guided Meditation: How To Find Calm During Overwhelm

    06/04/2020 Duration: 16min

    I have a guided meditation for you that I created for those of us who are feeling a little overwhelmed or a lot overwhelmed right now. The inclination can often be to get to work and get things done when often we need to stop for a second and shift that energy of overwhelm by addressing it and doing some self-care.  There is a short 9 minute bonus episode in Season 1 called Heal your Overwhelm With Small Steps. Its number 18 and it’ll give you even more of a foundation in how overwhelm behaves and how to create small steps to work with it easily.  Meditation is a great tool to not only relax and get grounded but to re-focus, be intentional and open up to connecting with ourself and our intuition. For more support, join our Facebook Group designated to this podcast also called Be Bold Begin.  Stay safe and healthy out there. We’re going to get through this together.  Don’t forget to subscribe wherever you get your podcasts so as not to miss an episode. Due to the unusual circumstances our release schedule will

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