Be Bold Begin

Using Our Fear Positively Episode 32



We all have fears. Its part of our brain-makeup and is there to keep us alive (<-insert gratitude here). But the nature of the world we live in now, generally speaking, is anxiety inducing and our fears can fall short of what feels like a trait to be grateful for and can act more as a hinderance. Frankly, we'd rather it just go away never to bother us again.  Well, fear is here to stay and that is actually okay. We can find ways to work with it, transform it into a positive process and sometimes the adversity it brings can even change our lives for the better.  ***The Fear Exercise in this episode is deep and should be done with the lots of self-care and kindness. Please be gentle with yourself. Take inventory of how you feel and try to make space to acknowledge that those feelings (any and all of those feelings) are valid, normal and okay and you don't have to do anything about them. Allow them to be and to move through you with love. More support directly from myself & the Be Bold Begin community for