Be Bold Begin

How To Make Space For Other's Process Episode 26



We talk about our own process and how to lean into ourselves all the time here but how do we cope with this very unique situation where so much of the entire world is experiencing the same strain & stress and being faced with the fear and uncertainty that comes with it? If someone in your life is disappointing you right now or you're having a hard time understanding each other's experience and process during this difficult time you can try adding a small practice to help you shift into compassion and out of stress and concern.  Small Questions: Small questions are designed for the subconscious and do not have to be answered, only asked. Sometimes an answer comes and sometimes a feeling comes or an epiphany and a shift and sometimes those things don’t arise until we’ve practiced the small question many times. Much like affirmations you can ask it daily or more than that or whenever the situation calls for it as a practice. Try feeling into the intention of it for just a few moments and then let it go and m